[center][h1][color=purple]Miri syn Strannika[/color][/h1][/center] [i]Click. Click.[/i] [b]”Ah, Mr Strannika, I presume?”[/b] “Correct.” [b]”And for what reason have you come to speak to Doctor F. today?”[/b] “You know I despise people who talk in third person, Ferdinand. And you aren’t exactly in high standing with me at this point in time.” [b]”Miri, please. We are both frie-.”[/b] “Acquaintances, Ferdinand. Acquaintances.” [b]”Does it really matter, Mr. Strannika?”[/b] “It does, as friends implies a mutual enjoyment of each other’s company.” [b]”Witty as ever, Miri. What do you want?”[/b] “Ferdinand. Ferdy. ‘Doctor F’. Ferd and the Furious. Is it still true you are fairly influential in this little [i]community[/i] of ours?” [b]”Why, yes. And the same goes to you.”[/b] “And, Ferdinand, is it not true you owe me [i]quite a bit[/i] for stopping your assassination?” [b]-A sigh is heard- “Why, yes Miri. I am in quite a bit of debt to you due to the particulars of our business.”[/b] “I am asking a favor, Ferdinand. You, using your influence, prevent any Prae officials from getting far enough to hire an assassin, let alone actually acquire their services. You can do this for me, can’t you?” [b]”Damn you, Strannika. I suppose I could pull a [i]few[/i] strings. Let me see what I can do."[/b] “Also, Ferdy, do you have any info on the resistance meeting thats going on right about now?” [b]”Yes, what of it?”[/b] The meeting went better than expected. Ferdinand hadn’t put up much of a fight, which wouldn’t be surprising to anybody except Miri, who didn’t know how much his former “coworkers” still respected him for what he pulled off. Alas, Miri was unaware of many things. The night was still young, but not young enough. Miri had missed a vital resistance meeting. How unfortunate. He knew there would be a second one, though. Miri syn Strannika would not allow his agenda to crumble due to him waking up late this morning. No, he was far too stubborn. Pulling out a scrap of paper he had acquired from Ferdinand, he knew the address and the time. Hopefully he wouldn’t arrive late this time. Miri weaved his way through back alleyways, waving at various individuals he had encountered on his travels. Now, Miri didn’t know this, but one of his old friends had moved out of their longtime apartment, and the new owner was a bit of a neat freak. And so, the stairway leading down from the primary apartment entrance was pretty slippery. So, in typical fashion, Miri fell headfirst down the stairs. Ow. He stood up, peeved. What kind of asshole felt so wholeheartedly [i]entitled[/i] that they thought cleaning their [i]stairs[/i] was a good idea? Miri quickly stood up, and slammed on the door of the apartment. [b]”Hmm?”[/b] Miri promptly hit the owner with a right hook and stormed away… God. What a jackass. He might even be late to the meeting now. Cleaning stairs. What a menial and overall useless task. Miri syn Strannika, possibly last of his proud and somewhat heathen heritage, would not be ended by a mere flight of stairs. Miri, after becoming quite lost due to disorientation (Falling down a flight of stairs never does anyone good in that department) managed to make his way to the Twilight Spirit. The air smelled of iron. He realized the front door probably wasn’t going to be the entrance to the super top secret meeting of the rebellion, and so circled the building and found a side entrance, along with two others. Famous? Licentia for sure, but other than that he was positive he had seen their faces somewhere. Rather, one of their faces. Maybe a former coworker….no. She seemed far too regal to be part of his former business. The man standing next to her (Sibling, perhaps?) seemed a much more likely candidate. It seemed one of the two was going to leave soon. Might as well [i]try[/i] to start a conversation. Miri approaches the two in a confident manner. “So, you guys here for the meeting? I’m just going to assume so, as this alley is deserted and this shop doesn’t [i]look[/i] like a front for drug trafficking.”