At this point I'm fairly certain you're just trolling. Like I'm about...70 percent sure. Maybe not initially, but presently. [quote=@Tulpa] Triggered much? It's amazing how much you people complain about the terrible [u][b]captial[/b][/u] S.J.W.'s, but as soon as your safe little bubble is popped; you'll act just as triggered by your idiocy being called out for exactly what it is. You complain about the captial S.J.W.'s pulling the victim card, and look at what we have here. Do you need a safe space to hide away from the nasty woman who spouts meanie mouth words? [img][/img] In the end, you'll pull the exact same tactics when it serves your own purpose.[/quote] No, see, because I wasn't being serious. See that was the joke. Jokes are things that are humorous and make people laugh and are ways to show that you're a fun person that gets invited to all the clubs and parties with the cool kids. I'm usually wittier, though, I'm slipping. [quote] Reductio Ad Absurdum[/quote] Oh shit, I love Harry Potter too. Lumos Maxima! Petrificus Totalus! [quote] You are literally saying that women's issues don't exist.[/quote] No I'm literally not. [quote=ME, I SAID THIS]Women's issues do exist.[/quote] See? I'm literally not saying that at all. Saying that 'women's issues aren't always the most serious thing' isn't the same as saying 'WOMEN'S ISSUES DON'T EXIST'. I'm sure there's a catchy latin phrase you can use here. You seem to be good at that. [quote]Sexism doesn't exist.[/quote] Sure it does. It works both ways. [quote]You are supportive of online harassment.[/quote] No I'm not. I dunno how I can make it more clear. I thought the whole 'I don't approve of doxxing' thing was evident. I also don't approve of SWATting. Or DDOSing. Or of posting comments on Youtube videos saying how much better music was twenty years ago. [quote]That is the position that you are taking. Anyone with common sense would see how banal and idiotic of a position this is.[/quote] I need the clap emoji. Hold on a minute. SAYING πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ DON'T πŸ‘ THINK πŸ‘ TWITTER πŸ‘ TROLL πŸ‘ COMMENTS πŸ‘ SHOULD πŸ‘ BE πŸ‘ TAKEN πŸ‘ SERIOUSLYπŸ‘ DOESN'T πŸ‘ MEAN πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ SUPPORT πŸ‘ ONLINE πŸ‘ HARASSMENT πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ DON'T πŸ‘ CONSIDER πŸ‘ SHITTY πŸ‘ TROLLING πŸ‘ AND πŸ‘ FEEDING πŸ‘ TROLLS πŸ‘ TO πŸ‘ BE πŸ‘ ONLINE πŸ‘ HARASSMENT πŸ‘ UNLIKE πŸ‘ DOXXING πŸ‘ WHICH πŸ‘ IS πŸ‘ HARASSMENT πŸ‘ AND πŸ‘ IS πŸ‘ A πŸ‘ SHITTY πŸ‘ THING πŸ‘ TO πŸ‘ DO πŸ‘ [quote]That is not even a position worth considering, let alone arguing. If such a person could even be argued with.[/quote] I can be argued with. Me and my buddy Dynamo do it all the time. We're BFFs. Love that guy. [quote]You need a valid opinion to argue before you argue. You weren't even obligated to write any of this to me. I already told you several times that my original post was not about you, and was directed at someone else. I don't know why you feel as if it is my obligation to take you and your views seriously, especially within this and the before-mentioned context.[/quote] Ohhhhh so this whole thing is just a roundabout way of trying to drop the issue because it's not meant for me? The decent thing to do, you know...would be to see my views as serious or valid and try to...I dunno...engage with them. You don't have any obligation, no, but it would at least have made you come off more rose scented. Unlike me, who doesn't care how much my reputation tanks further. [quote]Seems like you are the one who feels like the world owes you something, rather than the terrible capital S.J.W.s. I don't owe you anything. I hope that much is clear.[/quote] Where are you getting these incorrect assumptions, friendo? The world doesn't owe me anything and I've earned everything I've owned. You really haven't taken in anything posted if you think invoking the SJW acronym is going to do anything to me other than making me shrug. [quote]Why do I have to be the one to educate you? If you could step in my shoes, you would understand the exasperation of doing this [i]over[/i] and [i]over[/i] and [i]over[/i] again.[/quote] I don't know if you and I have the same taste in shoes so I dunno if I wanna step in yours. I'm sure they're lovely, though. Maybe not educate, but at least attempt to discuss or 'debate' instead of...not doing that and making leaps in logic and assumption and misinterpreting things and what kind of shoes. [quote]It's tedious and pointless. Statistically, no matter how sound an argument is - there is a very tiny, minuscule chance that you'll ever change anyone's mind through an internet conversation.[/quote] Maybe not their mind but if you walk away giving them a new perspective or way of looking at things it's certainly a start. [quote]If I did that with every dumbass on the internet, I would literally be going in circles for infinity - because the internet will never run out of stupid people who spout wrong or plain out gross opinions and probably should not be trusted with the future of their country.[/quote] The beautiful thing about the internet and, like, language is that people are entitled to their opinions even if people do not agree with them. That doesn't mean people who say some truly heinous stuff shouldn't expect backlash and response. The right to speech doesn't give you the right to be an asshole with no repercussion. I may not agree with things people say - and they may not agree with things I say - but I'm not going to tell them they can't say that. Or that they shouldn't say that. [quote](Not applying this specifically to you. I see a glimmer of hope in you, if that's any consolation.)[/quote] Thanks, boo. Love you too. [quote]It's like teaching the alphabet and the numbers 1-10 to a an infinite number of toddlers, most of whom will never get it. That is the level of awareness you are at when it comes to social issues.[/quote] Oh come on, I'm being aware at at least a fourth grade level. [quote]I would have to start from square one. (Sally is running with Spot. See Spot run?)[/quote] I'm pretty sure that's ableist language. Not everyone can run. [quote]Instead of sitting there and listening to me bitch, why don't you do what I suggested earlier? Open your mind a bit, and take a trip to your local bookstore.[/quote] I have been meaning to pick up some more Honorverse books. And tomorrow IS Saturday... [quote]or famous women.[/quote] What like Ilse Koch? (thass another joke) [quote]Or maybe just a book about social issues concerning women. Reading about real women who have experienced all of this really puts things into perspective. Visit the women's fiction and nonfiction section. Immerse yourself. Know thy enemy, right? I recommend I Am Malala. You might learn something, even if you don't agree with the politics.[/quote] I mean I guess I could get another copy of Ain't I A Woman. I'll probably avoid the women's fiction section, though, the last time I wound up there I almost walked out with Eat, Pray, Love and 50 Shades of Gray because I guess those are what we're supposed to read. Maybe I'll see if they have Sister Outsider, been a while since I picked that up. [quote]You are taking this way more personally than you should, too.[/quote] At this point I'm too invested to stop now. It's like when you order a third drink because it's ladies night and the drinks cost pennies. You're already feeling kind of gone after the second Thug Passion but you're wanting to know if Tupac was right about it so you go through with it and the next thing you know it's two days later and you have to get new carpet. [quote]Despite our viewpoints being radically different, I actually would come to your birthday party. As crazy as this sounds, if you knew me in real life you would probably like me.[/quote] Well yeah I try to like everybody even if our views don't align because my best friend growing up was a Cubs fan and I was a Sox fan so I know what it's like to hate your friends and love them too. [quote]And I think I would probably like you too. In fact, we'd probably be two peas in a pod as our bitch levels rise above 9000 as we fight and bicker over literally nothing - knowing full well that we both secretly enjoy it. I'll warn you though - I am a 100% certified bitch. I can deliver any line with an adequate level of bitch. I'm not doing my job right if I don't. I can do this all day long.[/quote] I mean...I'm literally the person people make fun of when they picture the 'sassy black woman' thing. Except I don't bob my head like that unless I'm in the groove. It's a wonder I got married. I dunno how she puts up with me and my sass. Minus the s. Ayyy. [quote]As much as y'all pretend you dislike me, you know love me. I'm going to pull a Nicki Minaj Wink here and say [i]certain[/i] people out there copy my posting style - probably because they realize that [i]everything[/i] is amusing when you deliver it with an adequate level of bitch.[/quote] Wait am I copying you or am I just doing the thing where I assume someone means me because I swear it's coincidental I'm just a shitposter with self deprecation on lock. [quote]I feel like you're a funny person, Fabricant. We would [i]so[/i] get along. We may be on opposite sides of the bitch spectrum, but we would be best frenemies. Yes, we would fight. Bicker. Then think of what we [i]should[/i] have said after the fact. But we'd love it, and go right back into talking about boys or some other menial bullshit. I like you.[/quote] The last time I talked about boys was when I thought it would be a good idea to argue which member of Wu Tang is the best and why it was GZA and everyone else was wrong. There were no survivors.