[@Holy Soldier][@Holy Soldier][@Holy Soldier] [hider=Well, I did my best] It might not be as fancy looking as the others but I just want to see if you think he's worthy of being accepted... [hr] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/c1d0/i/2014/152/d/3/oblivion_by_black_rose_chain-d7kkwdj.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Paedan Vustadael [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Allegiance:[/b] Church of the White(renounced) [b]Position:[/b] Great Holy Knight(refers to himself as a Knight-Errant now) [b]Height:[/b] 6' 11" [b]Weight:[/b] 219lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Platinum, one could assume he was blind at a quick glance [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Written Appearance:[/b] Paedan stands very tall, growth he still likes to attribute to becoming a Holy Knight, but he's not that muscular. The only real mystic thing about his face is his eyes, if one doesn't assume he's blind they can make him seem a bit sagely, otherwise he has short, somewhat messy hair, white skin, and a goatee. When not in his armor he will usually wear a simple grey shirt with long sleeves and trousers, he usually keeps his greaves on and will also wear a travelling cloak if he's somewhere cold. [b]Personality:[/b] Paedan used to want nothing but strength, power, and would do anything to get it, but that was when he was young and meek. Now, despite his intimidating presence, he could actually be considered rather jovial and he does try to be friendly, though he is a bit of an "actions not words" type of person. Even though he achieved the strength he had always wanted he does not overtly try to flaunt it but does welcome challenges that will test it, but if he feels he is being drained of it he becomes enraged and will go bezerk, lashing out to try and stop whatever is weakening him. [b]Background:[/b] Paedan joined young, during a time when the Holy Knights were happy to accept anyone who would follow and fight for them. His reason for joining was simple: Power. He was a meek, small thing when he joined and was almost turned away were it not that he could still die in place of someone important. He was determined, however, and managed to claw his way to through harsh training to prove himself worthy of being made a proper knight and claiming the power he had sought after...and It was everything he hoped, He was powerful, respected, his name would become enough to make men tremble and the sight of him could break the will of even the most resolute of warriors. He was content. He never had much stock in the gods, never even really believed in a "good" or an "evil", just that the world had to follow the ideals of it's most powerful people, and for now that seemed to be The Holy Knights. While he was in service to them he chose to stay around the kingdom of his origin, Winslet, operating mainly in that region and even becoming somewhat of a friend to the royalty there. Despite his allegiance to the Knights he was bothered when they came and took over the kingdom, without the ability to oppose the Knights at large the best he could do was make sure the royal family was treated well though this had the unfortunate side effect of making the knights suspicious of where his loyalty lies, and rightly so to be honest. When the princess disappeared they assumed he had something to do with it and a few days later a few knights made an attempt on his life, it may have failed but he had slain several Holy Knights and he knew they would not forgive that, not that it mattered, he renounced his allegiance to both them and The White god. [b]Current Story:[/b] Betrayed and exiled, Paedan's intention is to track down the Winslet princess, if only to help her reclaim her kingdom to spite the Holy Knights. Escaping their notice was simple, he may have had a reputation but it was attributed to the face of his helmet so a simple change of armor, or even to walk around out of armor, was all he needed, though he still made sure to get something imposing, though with no idea what the princess was doing all he could do was pose as a wandering adventure-seeker while keeping his ear out for any sign of her. [b]Weapon:[/b] Paedan's Arc does not have a special name and appears to be a simple greatsword, albeit with a wider and longer blade than normal. It has the ability to create shockwaves with it's hits, fairly devastating in a direct hit on an opponent but if used on the ground it can create a tremor in front of him that can knock opponent off their feet. When charged with his blackfire flames will cascade out along with the tremor. [b]Ability:[/b] Blackfire - originally whitefire, these flames normally burst forth from his hands to incinerate opponents, though he could get creative with it's use to catch his opponent of guard it remains a short range attack and won't reach farther than a few feet from him. He can imbue the fire onto his weapon for a time to increase it's damage potential. This power should have waned when he turned away from the Holy Knights but he clung desperately to it and now, even drained of their light as they are, the flames still burn just as hot. [/hider]