Username: VenomousCarnage Timezone: CST/Texas Availability: Usually all day. Very rarely is my phone not in my pocket. Only time i am not available is when i am asleep. Posting Frequency: Varies but 2-3 times a day. Posting Frequency For Partner: Once to twice is just fine. But more is great! About you: I am 27, Married with a full-time job. It is not too demanding so i am able to write in my free time at work so i get the chance to reply as often as a few minutes after you reply. And sometimes i will go an entire day without replying. Looking For: Reliable. As i have had too many partners up and disappear. And post 1 to 2 times a day. OOC Chatter: SEE BELOW! Plottiing: Of course! This is OUR story after all. 18+ or 18-: I am 27 so my partners need to be atleast 18. Preferred Gender: I write Male and Female. Preferred Gender For PartnerDoI ask you be able to write both. As i will ask you to write the love intrest for my OC. Character Limit: I am able to write fully for 2 no problem. NPCs: They are a must for any good rp! Medium: PMs, threads, KIK What You Want: Action, Adventure, Romance, Angst and Dark Themes What You Don't Want: No Smut. I fade to black. Roleplay Interests: Action Adventure Zombies! Pairings: Maggie Greene x OC MxF [Any of the rps i do must be strictly MxF.] Fandoms: Walking Dead SAW Pokemon Power Rangers Preferred Length: I ask atleast 2-3 Paragraphs from my partners. Shorter is acceptable but only for dialog scenes. Writing Sample: The open house was not a success. Even by New York standards, the weirdos came out. The ones who had the physical strength to lift a pack didn't have the mentality and the ones who had the mentality either couldn't lift the pack or seemed more inclined to worship what they ought to be busting. "Call it a day," Peter grumbled. "I'm beat." "I'm ready to call it," muttered Ray. "I calculated our odds of success, gentlemen. You all now owe me twenty dollars apiece." Egon held up his hand. "Guys, we still have an hour. Give it a chance." Twenty minutes from closing, Janine escorted a young man upstairs. The young fellow could pass for any number of near-indistinguishable grad students, but he had a sturdy build and cropped hair. He wore a UT sweatshirt and jeans. A a heavy-looking backpack was strapped to his back. "Tried to talk him out of it," Janine said. "But this is open house. Your call, boys." The young man looked around the room and suddenly seemed to lose the steadiness he had. Ray said, approached the young man and shaking his hand. Courtesy went a long way in a city like New York. At least, that was the thought that let him sleep at night. "Look, kid," Peter drawled. "We're the right guys to call, but maybe you misunderstood the meaning of the open house." The young man jutted out his chin and stood firm. "Not at all, I know what i am getting into here. I want to join you guys." Even Ray was skeptical. "Join us? Umm, kid?" The backpack came off, and the fellow opened it up. Inside were thick tomes the Ghostbusters knew well – dog-eared copies of Tobin's Spirit Guide, Liber AL vel Legis, Musaeum Hermeticum– along with a three-ringed notebook that he pulled out and set on the table. Egon, still having a professor's mentality, picked it up and began to leaf through it. "Just graduated from UT with a Cryptozooology degree, I also took physics as my elective classes." "I bet you have the student loans from hell," Peter remarked. "Not really, Football scholarship. Played offensive tackle." "UT? C'mon, we're all Columbia men," Peter said, half-jokingly. "Speak for yourself. NYU here," Ray said. "And I'll never let you live it down," Peter countered. "I'd take him," Egon said, still leafing through the notebook with interest. "I'd give this a B-plus. Maybe even an A-minus." "Egon, Hell literally froze over when you gave out an 'A' grade. We have proof," Peter snarked. "Seriously? I gotta see this!" Ray went to look over Egon's shoulder. After looking over a couple pages, he shrugged. "Kid passes the academics. And that backpack he's carrying means he could handle the proton packs." Egon said. "Since his backpack and scholarship indicate he can handle the physical demands of the job, and the notebook indicates he has more than a rudimentary grasp of the physics and Cryptozooology fields, I'd say there is no logical reason not to hire the kid." Ray grinned. "Told you guys this was a great idea!" He clasped his colleagues on the back and then put a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Welcome aboard, Cadet. You're going to be our new experimental equipment technician. Report in at nine AM sharp." The man blinked and grinned. "Really? Thank you! It's an honor." He shouldered his pack, shook their hands, and walked down the stairs to be escorted out by Janine. Ray turned to the others with a cheeky smile. "Egon, I believe that you owe me the twenty dollar bill."