[b]T. [color=gray]Hackett[/color][/b] [hr] [color=gray]Tommy patted down two spacesuits, primed and ready for going 'outside' as they called it on EDEN, making sure that everything was okay. Checking the rigs and mentally marking off protocol checks in his head, the Irishman didn't see the need to use the approved tick lists, a decade of going through the same routine would do that to you. He sighed softly, unzipping the torso of his jumpsuit, tying the arms around his waist and tightening them so they wouldn't come loose. Taking a few steps over towards the counter his tablet was placed up, he flexed his neck and when coming to a standstill over the counter raised his arms up above his head before pulling his elbow across, down and alternating. Tommy always found there was nothing like a good stretch, especially during the early hours. A glint of light reflecting off the semi-mirrored column to his immediate left grabbed his attention - he couldn't help but notice his wiry build. He'd been bigger a decade ago and it's not like there weren't machines here on EDEN, in fact exercise was not only encouraged but almost enforced if you wanted any hope of keeping up. His navy t-shirt as per uniform with the crew was smeared with two-day old oil stains, he was sure Grahams, Musgrave or even Walker would have something to say about it if they could see him right now. A thin smirk crossed Tommy's face, parting his thin lips ever so slightly - he found the thought amusing and could almost hear their scolding as he thought about it. Four quick, successive bleeps alerted him that there was something, somewhere that required his attention. Hackett's gaze fell from his distorted reflection to the tablet that lay, screen flashing, whipping off his right glove he took the device in his left hand and tapped the screen bringing up the display and an alert. An electric box responsible for supplying power to some of the medical equipment was going haywire. While it was vital that anything like this got seen to straight away, Tommy knew for a fact there was no one in the medical bay at risk of damage or death currently so took his time to gather himself before making his way to one of the eastern tunnels that would bring him to EDEN's medical deck.[/color] [center]-[/center] [color=gray]On examining the box it appeared to be a slight electrical fault that was easily fixed and prevented in the future, hopefully, by a quick tweak. Tommy made his way down the corridor or tunnel, neon lights overhead keeping everything nicely lit even if it did give an eerie glow at times. EDEN's size and population meant in certain, less used blocs you could walk without bumping into anybody, Tommy used to note how it felt like being in a horror game but now was used to it and found it never really crossed his mind anymore. The temperature was cool, as always regulated by machines in the underbelly of the base which was where Tommy would usually spend the majority of his days. Life off Earth was strange, but like anything you become accustomed to it and for Tommy this was the norm as it was for many others on EDEN, over the last ten years he had been here he found the outpost had become his home and particular members of the crew were now like family. Sure, there was cribbing, arguing and even people you'd outright despise but on both a professional and personal level you'd always be there for each other, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Life on EDEN wasn't [b]exactly[/b] as Tommy had imagined it would be when he dreamed all those years ago of being an astronaut and living in space but over the last ten years despite ups and downs found his solace and home on the moon. It was crazy to think really, imagining how people on Earth who'd never left the confines of the atmosphere couldn't even begin to imagine what life in the solar system was like. You felt important, needed, appreciated on a level before unknown and the odd time - you felt special. Tommy traversed the hatch that acted as a partition between the tunnel and the medical deck - they were usually left open if they led to somewhere inside EDEN, the doors were simply too heavy and with the valve locks would take too long to open and shut every time. He took a quick glimpse around the area that acted as a reception but couldn't see anybody around. Pushing through the PVC strip door at the far end of the room Tommy examined the trolleys and medical equipment, everything was pristine hygiene was of utmost importance, especially somewhere like this.[/color] "Erica?" [color=gray]He called out, softly. No matter who was around, it was hard to mistake Tommy for anybody else by voice at least, a decade among multi-nationals away from the Emerald Isles had not caused him to lose his thick, Dublin accent. He glanced around, he'd come down here to make sure everything was ship-shape following the electrical fault. Untying the knot at his waist he pulled his jumpsuit back up around, covering his stained t-shirt, zipping it halfway he began to traipse around the med deck, toying with random utensils, equipment and examining papers left lying around.[/color] [i]Hmm.[/i] [color=gray]He voiced - curious, flicking one document over, looking around carefully knowing it wasn't his place to pry.[/color]