So that was it then, it was over just like that. Some slavers were still breathing and one even had been brave, or foolish enough, to try and fight back. Wyth was quick to stifle any would be attempts to keep their prisoners and with that they were effectively done here. Glad as Ethan was that Amuné was free he was shaking slightly himself, his stomach lurching uncomfortably; so many men were dead or maimed in some way here, they could have accomplished the rescue without any of that. How would they explain any of it to the guards? He just didn't understand why any of it had been necessary. Looking at Amuné hiding herself against Cecil he was reminded that they had to do it, maybe, in order to see her safe. That was the justification he tried to go with but even then it didn't stick, they could have done it differently still and gotten the same result. It wasn't just Amuné that they had rescued though was it? There were yet more Ydrans released from the holding cell, all older than the girl but no less grateful to be freed. The readiness in which they took to weapons uneased Ethan and he loathed to think they would use them on their captors, something which while justified still unsettled him. He'd yet to use magic and though a last resort it would effectively rend any resistance useless on the slavers part, surely they'd want nothing to do with a Magi. Should he do that if they faced more resistance? Glancing down at the palm of his hand he entertained the idea only for a second before dismissing it with a shake of his head. Absolutely not, magic was not supposed to be used like that, as a tool to tout over those without, that was wrong. Cedric would have his rear if he'd ever found out, they had to try and refrain as much as they could. "There's... There's more of us, they should have cleared the way," Ethan mumbled as he looked up at the Ydrans, "Just uh... Just follow us, we'll get you out." Before they could do any of that however he had to see Amuné, taking a knee beside the girl and rubbing her back to try and comfort her. It had been scary no doubt and there was no way of knowing what they had said to her, hopefully the fact they were here now made it a little better at least. "You're safe now Amuné, no one's going to hurt you anymore, okay?" Tears threatened to fall as they welled up in the corners of his eyes, and a quick wipe ensured she didn't have to see him cry. What a relief, he'd been so worried that even as hasty as they'd been they might have been too late. They had to get going, the longer they hung around here the greater a chance something might go wrong. Hard to remain optimistic with a bunch of bloody people lying all around you, really brought down the mood. Making sure the slavers immediately nearby weren't going to come for them first Ethan led the way from the room, retracing his steps down the hall and doing his best to ignore the scene before them. Nymira and Asta were a little further ways ahead and both of them were clearly worse for wear after the fighting they had gone through, bloodied and beaten though nowhere near as much as some of them slavers. Wondering what lay behind them in the room Ethan only just peered around the corner of the door before quickly looking away, needing no closer look at the man laid face down in a pool of blood. They had killed too then, everyone had. He should feel fortunate they and the other captives were unharmed and free but all of the death left a sour taste in his mouth. "Finally, I was beginning to wonder if you've gotten lost," Nymira commented, watching as Ethan shuffled forward without so much as a reply. His first time in a fight like this, she surmised, frowning at how defeated he looked. The sooner he accepted this as the reality of how things worked the easier it would become, doubtless it would be their last encounter. Looking back she saw Cecil carrying a very shaken but otherwise unharmed Amuné in his arms, smiling with relief at that fact. Beyond them still were more Ydrans, some armed and others not, all moving in a tight group and eager to be freed of this miserable place. As were they all, their work here was done and it was high time to be rid of the slavers den. "We should do something about the building, it's become a grave for too many," the Dimuran said as she turned away, following after the group. All the men inside were either dead or severely injured, burning the structure down made the most sense to her. They would all likely die regardless from their wounds and letting any of them live was as much a crime as the kidnappings themselves. Yet she refrained, her hand lingering briefly on a wall before she pulled it away and let her magic settle. The guards would not care for her brand of justice, that much she had gathered, and even if they were to die it would likely be by execution, not by being burned alive. It was a distasteful act to leave such disgusting men alive and yet fitting in a way, their final moments would be spent crawling in the dirt like the worms they were. Wrinkling her face in loathing she glanced briefly at a fallen man just before the door, wondering how his head had come to be smashed in like that. Not a hint of sympathy, he'd chosen this life and paid the price, simple as that. The guard was still waiting outside when they emerged, the man he'd been with bound and unconscious. Clearly what had happened inside hadn't gone entirely unnoticed as his expression was grim upon their exit, and seeing the state of Asta and Nymira hardly reassured him. He had said whatever they did inside that building would be off the record, he'd not enforce the laws, but now seeing the state of the children he almost regretted that. Without going inside he could guess what had become of the men inside and figured it was a fitting punishment regardless, they'd had been led to the gallows if they had not met justice at the travelers hands instead. The number of Ydrans that emerged, all clearly ragged and worn from their experience, made overlooking the bit of vigilante justice on their part much easier too. "Some of the men yet live, I'd suggest you gather them up before they flee," Nymira spoke to the guard, gesturing back towards the building, "Others are in a less... Agreeable state. I'd suggest simply demolishing the building unless your people had a use for it. Judging by the deplorable state of this area however I'd assume not." "You're not wrong, most of this part of town is run down. Generally the less well off live here, and that's the few that hadn't left," the guard pointed out, looking towards the building with a frown before nodding to himself, "I'll go and get some back up and we'll see what's left inside of there. You kids should head to a healer before you go, you've got some nasty wounds there. I wish I could reward you for your help-" "We don't need a reward, we got what we came for," Nymira interrupted, referring of course to Amuné who was still clinging to Cecil as though her life depended on it. They had no need for a reward anyways, she still had some money left and healers were not generally expensive she'd found, and the only serious wounds belonged to her, Asta and Wyth. Enough time had been wasted in this town as it was too without being given some type of formal reward.