[quote=@Raijinslayer] [@Feisty-Pants]Jaden: [color=Ivory]"VI! Mind your Manners, please, espeically around potential teammates."[/color] Skorupi:[color=orchid]"Wasting your time, master. That fox's head is full of nothing but hot air."[/color] [color=Ivory]"Please don't call me master, and please, please don't antagonize her, okay?[/color] [color=Orchid]"Understood . . . Master."[/color] [color=Ivory]*Sigh*[/color] [/quote] Vix: [b]"It sounds like someone wants their hair torched again. Is the charred look in style these days?"[/b] [quote=@BlackPanther] [@Feisty-Pants] lol oh this will be fun XD [i]"Thats only when they don't fight back"[/i] [/quote] Vix: -Grins, bearing her fangs- [b]"When they fight back, it'll make for a more statisfying meal when they're burnt up a little."[/b]