So now we're waiting on [@Imperfectionist] and [@Prints Avoid] to post and then I can finish my own post for all of you (I've been working on mine while we've been waiting). I have a pretty good idea how I'm going to use Dr. B and Max, but I'm not so sure about Diego, yet. I'm thinking of doing something a little different with him. I was thinking I could do a little spoiler before my posts are written. Would anyone be interested in that "mechanic?" So while I'm working on posts, I can add new NPCs to the Character tab so you can get a little taste of what I'd come up with for each of your characters. [@Xan the G] Very nice post. I'm going to kind of blend your and [@DepressedSoviet]'s "response posts." This is going to be interesting. I'm so excited! :D