[color=ed1c24] [h1] [center] Kilgarrah, Father of Dragons, Patron of Knights, Lord of Gold [/center] [/h1][/color] [hider=The Dragon God] Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=In armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/b6/5f/33b65fef141b7dd31737f84e8dda02f8.jpg[/img] In his traditional armor, sword, and shield, Kilgarrah's glowing red eyes are an intimidating site through his helmet. [/hider] [hider=Unarmored] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/S7ZUZajnapw/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/20/06/4f/20064f9a613590fb761a2657e319c595.jpg[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRtl4hvzOgPaNj0SiNE-r3fo0-Y1Ko6xXrwrg4EiNrlCaypatrG[/img] Standing at 9' in height, Kilgarrah sports a mildly toned build despite his deceiptively powerful strength, having long black messy hair and sometimes sports facial hair. His skin is beige, and other then his crimson, glowing and reptilian eyes, there is nothing more remarkable about his initial form. [/hider] [hider=Transformed state] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/5905/th/pre/i/2013/135/2/a/dragon_vs_frost_giant_by_just1ce1-d65ca3q.jpg[/img] a 180 ft tall behemoth of a dragon, bipedal with firey veins on his chest, wings, and elbows that glow when he is charging flames within him. Black scales, massive claws, and a somewhat sleek design. [/hider] Personality: It is difficult to pin an exact alignment or personality for Kilgarrah. He is a being that values honor and other minute philosophies of a knight, respecting strength as well as mortals that rise to the occasion as warriors, regardless of alignment or affiliation with other gods. He also is supportive of the art of dragon slaying, that is mortals slaying his own creations. Despite this, he also is prideful of his very race he created, the dragons, which has also inspired a group of dragon cultists that also worship him. His pride and even greed are perhaps his most noteworthy of his flawed persona. Thinking of himself as the most powerful God, and his creations, the dragons, the ultimate race of creatures, even higher then angels or demons. He values treasures and rare artifacts, gold especially, a sacrifice commonly offered to him, and he guards his materialized hoard selfishly. Overall, it is difficult for him to work with other gods, but those that do forge a bond that can never be broken, as he does not tolerate betrayal and other dishonorable acts. His bipolar nature of being a savage, destructive monster, and a fervent harbinger of justice and honor are perhaps his most interesting features. Major Domain: Dragons Minor Domains: Gold, Knights (It should be noted that he doesn't necessarily own dragons and knights, and other gods may use them, but both knights and dragons often look to him for worship.) [hider=Avatar] [img]http://stuffpoint.com/dragons/image/120142-dragons-the-great-death-wyrm.jpg[/img] A massive, 600 foot long dragon, nicknamed by Kilgarrah as Smaug. This beast is the embodiment of Kilgarrah's destructive wrath and weapon of vengeance. Its strength alone could match the god himself, but it can create volcanic quakes with its greatest of firepower. It's third eye has psychic abilities, that can allow it to -Speak telepathically -Manipulate uncontrolled flames or molten rock/metal within sight -resist against psychic related effects/attacks and illusions [/hider] Stance: He believes that he is the rightful heir to the throne. Though he is not against a favorable ally persay to take it either, but overall anyone that claims to also want the throne he will fight against for that right. Claiming that it can only be settled through an honorable duel, and demands to fight in such a manner to any and all that wish to claim this title, only then do they gain his respect and allowance to become King. Loyalty During the Rebellion: Kilgarrah views such rebellion as a dishonorable act, and to this day he holds a bit of a grudge to those that were against the King of the Gods. However, in his pride he secretly believes that he was destined to be the monarch of deities. Even still, he never wished for the God King to be slayed, and fought valiantly to secure his throne. Center of Power: A small golden skull of a dragon, approximately the size of a softball. Relations: [hider=Ferrum] At first he only hated Ferrum for sided more with the Rebels. But ever since he sealed him in gold the dragon only became more enraged at the god of fire. He swears revenge at his own hands, be it death or a brutal beating. To this day, he is very bitter of him. Being sealed under molten gold for hundreds of years would do that to anyone. Even if he gave him his weapon back. [/hider] [hider=Oksana] The relation between Kilgarrah and Oksana is of thousands of years of kinship and romantic bonds. They often spar, flirt, and even times of romantic affairs. Kilgarrah both admires and respects Oksana, and is willing for her to share a throne with him should she be interested. Every year they try to get together for a big event of Oksana's own capitol, where the Draconians and her own people get together for a grand festival of dancing, sparring, and other forms of entertainment to celebrate their relations. The grand event is of many aspiring performers wishing to please the Gods. [/hider] [hider= Ki'vara] Kilgarrah deeply despises Ki'vara for trapping Oksana on that lustful, accursed island, as well as repressing much jealousy all the same. [/hider] Powers: Kilgarrah has an inhuman level of strength and speed. While untransformed, he can lift over four tons and can move as fast as a cheetah in fully clad armor. He cannot be burned by any degree of heat and has shown to be extremely skilled with almost any weapon. He can transform or grow from parts of his bodies into dragon-like features. Such as growing a pair of wings, transforming his hand into a head of a firebreathing dragon, transform his hands and/or feet into claws, or grow scales as hard as iron over his skin. Additionally he has minor pyrokinetic abilities, such as lighting his own body on fire, or creating fireballs in his hand. He also fabricated a form of magic that can allow him to summon and unsummon various equipment instantly. Fully transformed, his strength becomes so great that he can trample over hills, and can spew flames that can melt stone and most metal. At its most potent, he can fire projectile flames that can create an explosion powerful enough to create a 20 meter crater. Godly Equipment: [hider=Scalelord Defenses] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8e/4b/e4/8e4be4584f9f64ad7d4d346fe977cbb8.jpg[/img] The armor of the Scalelord is a steel armor that repairs itself over time from damage, it is also highly heat resistant and can protect users from extreme heat and fire. Additionally, the armor grants the wearer to be able to speak with dragons and improve strength and agility to a minor degree. [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/c50c/i/2013/111/0/b/dark_souls_ii___custom_shield_by_faatehhamad-d62ghe8.jpg[/img] The Shield of the Scalelord is a large shield that is also indestructible, and can reflect non-solid projectiles and magic. The metal shield has a dragon's head inscribed into it. [/hider] [hider=Wyrm Tooth] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHrWEscVzXe9dxgJj4ZjCJn86STXiYuz2SlD6aSF3oTV3QHLbNKg[/img] The Wyrm Tooth is a large 12 ft long weapon with a steel 5 ft blade and a black hilt. The weapon is strong enough to pierce through a dragon's scales in addition to being able to slay gods. The Lance can also enhance pyromantic powers, natural to Kilgarrah. Such as igniting the blade on fire or shooting a ray or wave of fire. [/hider] Demi Gods: [hider=Niddhoggr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/d5/79/4dd5792216ee89a05ca2906cec5adb58.jpg[/img] A 60ft long hellkite born From Kilgarrah and another dragon in times soon before the the war started. Niddhoggr since birth has been the sole true and reliable protector of Drake Valley. A hero to the local Draconians as the white, four winged, four clawed dragon combats with all other scourges, mainly other dragons that seek the population as prey. His bladed horn is sharp enough to cut through their scales, and the dragon can produce a radiant, burning light, that while hotter then fire, it obviously isn't the heat that effects the dragon foes, it is the bright light that can temporarily blind and in some forms of attack can blast them back with brute force. Its rays of burning light that it can create from its wings and horn or breath from his mouth makes him far more dangerous in terms of ranged abilities for a dragon. He, like Fafnir, upholds honor and justice. Despite being a dragon he has a far less malice intent then his physical appearance. Unlike Fafnir though he rarely travels, and instead devotes his entirety to the Draconians. Niddhoggr rests under the Great Tree of Drake Valley, Yaggdrill, a 10 mile tall tree that's roots are so durable that they dig straight into pools of magma without damage. [/hider] [hider=Fafnir Sigurd] [img]http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq106/Bahamut_Shin/bahamut.jpg[/img] Fafnir was born from an affair between Kilgarrah himself and a draconian named Minerva, who died upon giving birth. Fafnir quickly grew to a surprising 30 feet in height, despite the draconian subtype rarely having any similar size in the part, likely due to his godhood. Fafnir was honored by the Draconians as a true blessing of the god, honoring him as a great warrior. He served his father directly and forged his own weapons from the molten lake of a volcano. Sporting a steel clad armor, massive lance, and a massive shield. He is somewhat agile despite his massive size, being able to fly as well, breath flames, and using the equipment magic his father has. After decades of being raised in Drake Valley, he would be the answer to the prays of mortal knights across the world that wish to praise the dragonlord himself. Becoming a teacher to aspiring individuals in both technique and magic. [/hider] [hider=William Sigil] [hider=Armored] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/5371/i/2014/276/e/5/angel_knight_by_nosaj7541-d81fe9q.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Unarmored] [img]http://i.skyrock.net/1730/83251730/pics/3118779397_1_3_17RRf7Z7.jpg[/img] [/hider] William was born for Annabelle Sigil and Kilgarrah. Born from a human, he was cursed to have glowing crimson eyes similar to his father, and a pair of white bat-like wings with plated scales. Both of these features have caused many of the residence of his local town attributed to him being a bad omen, aside from his mother's death. He has deathly pale skin and a tone but otherwise skinny build, standing 5'11, with messy black hair. His father eventually revealed his identity, and gifted him with His trusted spear and even crafted his son a special armor just for him, enchanted to be in tune with the electric properties of his spear William also naturally has some traits similar to a dragon's. His growth seemed to stop around the age of 18, and quiet possibly suggesting that he now has an indefinite lifespan just like a dragon. Which explains why he is as ancient as his more draconic brothers despite being mostly human. Additionally, he cannot be burned by any degree of heat as well, and being stronger and more durable then the average human, granted barely reaching superhuman level. his wings also gift him with flight. He has grown quiet skilled with his lance and armor, and was taught the equipment magic through his half-brother, Fafnir. [/hider] [hider=Drake Valley] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gamelore/images/d/d3/Jund.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20140604181223 [/img] Lands: Drake Valley is an island continent located in the southern region of an ocean. The entire region is an explosive jungle with high volcanic activity, aside from plateaus on certain mountains the terrain is mostly rugged and mountainous, with valleys stretching between vast tree covered mountains and volcanoes. The average temperature year-round fluxuates between 80-120 degrees, and molten lakes and rivers are just as common as rivers and streams. The hostile terrain is ideal for Kilgarrah's creations, the dragons, which are the apex predators of the region. People: Dragon cultists live in the slightly less hostile regions and costlines of the island, where they worship both Kilgarrah and the local dragons. They sometimes interact with the Draconians, a race of humanoid dragons that live further within the region. The cultists often make their homes in caves and stone structures along beaches, with primitive tools and technology. The draconians are more advanced, having proper metal tools and castles that could rival human design. However the wild dragons of Drake Valley terrorize the draconians often, there are few surviving cities of the race, namely three castles. Culture: The cultists live in unified tribes that worship the local dragons as gods, and Kilgarrah being the king of said gods. Individuals are either unaware of the other true gods, or simply do not acknowledge them as gods, believing that even the mortal dragons are a higher being to worship. They will sacrifice treasures and meats in large furnaces and volcanoes to appease kilgarrah, and will even have human sacrifices to a local individual wild dragon. The Draconians however are a knightly group of humanoid dragons. They value the honorbound side to kilgarrah, and often conflict with the dragon cultists. The draconians culture reflect that of medieval society. They live under a monarchy, with structures, armor, and tools reflecting that of knights from human society. Additionally, they have an almost mysterious and mystic connection with dracomancy, which they right down in both books or stone tablets and runes inscribed in walls. Dracomancy is a magic that both cultists and Draconians use that mimics that of dragons, particularly involving pyromancy and even shaman like abilities or charms of good luck. Technology: The cultists have a very primitive lifestyle. They have stone carved buildings and tools made of stone and weak metals like brass. Their most advanced equipment is paper and ink, which they use for their ceremonial rites. The draconians have the typical medieval technology with iron and even steel in their possession to craft. In addition to large castles they also have expansive cavernous tombs with walls inscribed in them runes of ancient dracomancy and egyptian-like tales of their history and the gods. Capital: Out of the three castles, Reijar is the most thriving. It should be noted that the Draconians are cut off with the rest of the world. Reijar has a high resource of iron in its location, as well as being on a massive plateau suitable for farming, raising cattle, and fishing. This makes it the most economically thriving city. Tunnels expanding over miles beneath the surface connect the other two castles, Avalon and Babary, to the capital. [/hider] Beings: [hider=Dragon Morphology and classification] All dragons are reptiles, closely related to lizards and snakes (squamatas). Dragons have undefined lifespans, age itself has never claimed the life of a dragon, nor do dragons weaken with age, in fact its quiet the opposite. The elder the dragon, the more dangerous it tends to be. Every dragon, even those that relate with snowy environments or lack any sort of fire ability, have an innate affiliation with fire, and as such they cannot be burned or damaged by heat. All dragons have some sort of magical or spiritual aura, and their biology reflects much of that energy. not all dragons are intelligent, or capable of speaking. Many act like animals or even lack sentience altogether, while others while sentient are unable to speak or are knowledgeable of a language. Lastly, dragons are often born with at least 1 of the seven sins; greed, wrath, lust, sloth, envy, pride, and gluttony. Not all dragons are evil and there are plenty of dragons that could be considered good or benevolent, however they still suffer from at least one of these sins. Pride, wrath, greed, and gluttony are the most common sins. Dragons are rarely intelligent. Most are animalistic and are essentially savage monsters. Even the few that are sentient rarely are able to speak or communicate directly. Even with this limited intelligence their nature does reflect their natural sins. Dragons have varying traits and forms to the point that almost every dragon is unique. However all dragons can be classified as one of the following: Hellkites (typical six limb dragons, 4 legs and a pair of wings.) [hider=Hellkite Example] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsVKADSZAr17iha6yI35n0BpgIWiX3j-DjRyp3cGAJNzlPxR178A[/img] Hellkites are the most ideal of dragons, and bare in likeness to Kilgarrah's transformed state. Hellkites are named for being described as flying bringers of flames, they commonly possess the ability to have a breath weapon, fire being the most likely, and often attack farmlands or other civilizations regularly out of some primeval habit. They are quiet a handful of sapient Hellkites as well, they are typically one of the more intelligent subtypes, but usually are far from benevolent. Hellkites typically range between 20 to 120 feet long. [/hider] Drakes (Wingless 4 legged dragons) [hider=Drake example] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/c7/b7/b5c7b77e5245bcd9a5dbfb955885255d.jpg[/img] Drakes are very close to hellkites, though some may resemble more of giant lizards then actual dragons. While it isn't likely for drakes to have a breath weapons, they are still dangerous for their fierce strength and speed, and while they cannot fly they are often well adapted to multiple terrains, some even tend to be semi-aquatic. the average size ranges between 20 to 80 feet long. There have been cases though of far more massive Drakes. [/hider] Wyverns (Two legs and two wings) [hider=Wyvern example] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonvale/images/d/de/Wyvern_(1).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120803184253[/img] Wyverns are considered to be one of the most intelligent of all dragons, even non-sapient individuals tend to have a dog-like level of intelligence. They are the most easy to tame. Some wyverns may possess breath weapons, however they more commonly have various venoms and natural weapons such as a barbed tail or powerful, talon-like feet. They are also one of the fastest of all dragon sub-types. Wyverns can be seen either in small roosting groups or by themselves, and while some can be aggressive, others may be more docile and less likely to attack a mortal. Wyverns are much weaker physically then other dragons, and their scales are not as durable either. Most wyverns range in sizes from 10 to 30 feet long, though their are records of individual wyverns as long as a 100 feet. [/hider] Basilisks (Often resemble lizards or snakes, usually having no more then 6 legs, and rarely do any have wings. However most basilisks have some form of toxic property such as acidic saliva or a venomous bite, and can turn people to stone by looking into their eyes.) [hider=Basilisk Example] [img]https://princessofdragons.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/breeds-wyrm.jpg[/img] The basilisk varies between either a snake-like or lizard-like form, sometimes somewhere inbetween. Rarely do they possess wings, however. Like drakes, they are more adaptive to land or water based terrain. Basiliks often have a wide variety of toxins such as venoms or poisons, even one to have said to have a green-tinted fire-breath that burned off a toxic and lethal gas in addition to the danger of the fire itself. basilisks are legendary for their petrifying gaze, though it is actually rare for one to possess the ability. Regardless, this magic trait is exclusive to the Basilisk and Cockatrice subgroups. The gaze itself is not passive either, their eyes will change color in response, usually a shade of yellow or green. Those that look into their eyes at this point will become petrified and turn into stone. The only way to be freed from being petrified is for their statue form to be broken, surprisingly this doesn't harm the victim, however this means little if the victim is already in the stomach of the basilisk. [/hider] Cockatrices (bird-like dragons, often resembling a cross between a basilisk and a Wyvern) [hider=Cockatrice example] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rollplaywestmarches/images/6/65/Cockatrice.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150210055627[/img] Cockatrices are very similar to Basilisks, both having tendencies for toxic traits as well as having the possibility of a petrifying gaze. They are also similar to wyverns in their weak bodies, fast speed, and size range. However they are not as intelligent, and their feathers often provide additional protection from the elements and sometimes even magic based factors. [/hider] Wurms (serpentine dragons, rarely have any limbs, and many vaguely resemble reptiles. Often both gigantic in length and diameter, they are rarely sentient. Some resemble snakes.) [hider=Wurm example] [img]https://syrinscape.com/media/thumbs/product/images/sandworm4.jpg.300x300_q85.jpg[/img] Wurms are one of the more strange dragons. They are serpentine, and rarely have any sort of limbs to speak of. Some may resemble a snake, while others resemble a more insect or worm-like monstrosity despite being a reptile. While the most common type of wurms are sandwurms, wurms can inhabit a wide arrange of environments. Some can be sea serpents, slithering on land, volcanic lava, or even fly despite having no wings. Wurms are gigantic, ranging anywhere from 50 feet, to 500 feet. They are also the most primitive of dragons, seemingly only driven to consume, they act solely on primitive instinct and there has yet to be a sapient wurm. [/hider] Tarragons (Like hellkites but are bipedal, some may have forms that could resemble a dinosaur.) [hider=Tarragon example] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/b9b3/th/pre/i/2014/329/9/9/carnivorous_dragon_by_dragolisco-d87n7wr.jpg[/img] Tarragons are similar to drakes, but are bipedal and may resemble something like a dinosaur or godzilla. They can range anywhere between 20 to 80 feet in height commonly. Tarragons do not often possess wings, and sometimes could be confused for bipedal hellkites. [/hider] Drakkens/draconians (Dragons with a humanoid posture and build, often ranging between 5'11 to 9'10 in height, they are as varying in appearance as any other dragon, though all drakkens are sentient) [hider=Draaconians example] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/b4/d8/c9b4d8b8a43f6a17b0ca37dadcd23ac0.jpg[/img] Draconians are a specific race of dragons that are purely sapient and humanoid. These creatures can range in sizes varying between 6 to 15 feet in height, and can have a wide variety of color and design as well. They have four arms, and two legs, with the second pair of arms being wings. Some Draconians have been able to breath fire and do have other traits commonly associated with dragons. However they are not as cursed with sin as other dragons, and have a much for human-like freedom of personality. [/hider] Longs (Asian styled dragons, serpentine and with 4 limbs, though wingless they can usually fly as if they defy gravity. Longs are often the most intelligent of dragons and usually are more involved with spiritual energy then magic.) [hider=Long example] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/b/bd/Oriental_dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121023141604[/img] Longs are the most intelligent of all dragons, almost always sapient, and are often mystical by their vary nature. They can vary in power and size, being serpentine and having no more then 4 limbs. Despite rarely having wings they can fly as if defying gravity itself, the typical size range varies between 20 to 60 feet in length. Their have been sightings of even larger individuals such as a 150 foot individual that rested in a volcano. While born of sin like most other dragons, longs often go out of their way to cleanse their spirit and innate sin through spiritual journeys and assisting those out of pure benevolence, very rarely are any truly susceptible to their original sin except for those that choose not to go on these spiritual journeys of travel and self discovery. [/hider] Elemental, Fae and hydra dragons are mutation-like traits that happen within individuals regardless of type. Elementals often are more magical then biological, for example they may have a shell of ice over a frail naked body, or an armor of lava-flowing stone instead of scales. The weakness of an elemental are the opposing elements, for example fire can weaken the magic significantly of an ice elemental dragon, although dragons cannot burn the heat against those of ice can render them unconscious. Hydras are dragons with multiple heads, some can even regenerate new heads. The number can vary within 2 to a thousand, though it is rare for a hydra to have anymore then 20 heads. The heads of hydras are either each independent heads, or are all one conscience. Fae dragons tend to have butterfly-like wings and generally have fairy-like traits, they also are usually quiet small, they have various magical qualities that can be attributed to fairies as well. [hider=Elemental example] [img]http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll230/chaos563/Anima__Earth_Elemental_boss_by_Wen_.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Hydra example] [img]http://sites.psu.edu/mythologicalcreatures/wp-content/uploads/sites/22242/2015/03/g.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Fae example] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/heroes-of-camelot/images/f/f8/Fairy_Dragon_T1-.png/revision/latest?cb=20141013204224[/img] [/hider] [hider=Strengths and weaknesses] Being cold blooded, most dragons are vulnerable against cold conditions and attacks of the sort, with exceptions of dragons that have an affiliation with it. Dragons usually have tough scales that act as natural armor, though their bellies tend to be of soft scutes and scales that are the Achilles heel to their physical defense. Dragons have a hard time of overcoming their sins, affecting their personalities and decision making. Most dragons can regenerate naturally at great rates. They can regrow a loss limb or tail within a few months, large wounds can heal in weeks, however if they are fatally wounded something else must keep them alive in order for them to recover on their own. Some elemental dragons can regenerate certain factors seemingly instantly, and many hydras can also heal most wounds in minutes. While many dragons have access to magic, their breathe weapons are usually from biological factors instead of magic, though many have sort of blended or amplified their breathe attacks with magic. The most common breathe weapon for dragons is fire. While dragons are affiliated with fire, they are not completely immune to it. While they cannot be burned or damaged by heat alone, the force from flames can knock them back with enough force, and elemental dragons that are weak against fire will start to loose conscienceless and magical power against great amount of heat. Most dragons are capable of great strength and speed, attributing to their massive size. Dragons with forked tongues have a great sense of smell like most lizards and snakes. Dragonsbane, a rare flowing plant that grows in Drake Valley, has an aroma that wards off dragons like a repellent. It can make dragons that ingest the plant grow very sick and ill, and even to the point of great irritation sort of like a bear-spray for dragons. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]