I wanted to reserve a spot if possible. [Hider=Fox Sin of Greed][b][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjA5NzcxZC5SR0Z0YVdGdUlFZHZaSGRwYmcsLC4w/trumpit.regular.png[/img] [img]http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5245/5268313839_dd878780b6.jpg[/img] [i][color=limegreen]"You know, that's a nice lookin helmet ya got there... mind if take it?[/color][/i] [hr] [Color=limegreen]Name:[/color] Damian Godwin [hr] [color=limegreen]Age:[/color]19 [hr] [color=limegreen]Sin:[/color] Greed [hr] [color=limegreen]Height:[/color] 5'3 [hr] [color=limegreen]Weight:[/color] 120 lbs (54.4 kg) [hr] [color=limegreen]Hair Color:[/color] Green [hr] [color=limegreen]Eye Color:[/color] Green [hr] [color=limegreen]Gender:[/color] Male [hr] [color=limegreen]Appearance: [/color]Damian has several tattoos of various things across his back, inclueing but not limited to, a horseshoe, a pile of coins, an ace of spades card, a dollar sign, and a frog which he believes to be a symbol of good luck. There are several scars all over his chest which appear to be from torture of some sort. His eyes hold a sense of mirth behind them at almost all times, as if he was privy to a joke and you weren't. [hr] [Color=limegreen]Brand Appearance:[/color] Damian's brand takes the form of a fox head with one eye closed and the left ear has a chunk of it missing. The brand is over his heart. [hr] [color=limegreen]Personality: [/color]Damian rarely takes anything seriously, even when being brutally beaten he has a smile on his face as if he's just waiting for lunch with a friend. He's terrible with money, to the point where he could blow a small fortune in the course of an afternoon on something like a lucky pot that was "Guaranteed to bring happiness to your future". Damian is a strong believer in luck and other superstitious things like Karma. He cruises through life without a care, taking extreme circumstances to get him to even frown, much less get angry or sad. [hr] [color=limegreen]Background:[/color]-- [hr] [color=limegreen]Current Story: [/color]Since Damian first awoke with no memories and nothing but the clothes on his back. There were also several bandits surrounding him, frisking him for anything valuable. When they noticed he was awake, one of them punched him in the face as hard as he could trying to knock him out again. Curiously enough he couldn't feel anything when he got punched and proceeded to grab a knife of the bandit's belt and stab him to death with it. Apparently that was the bandit's leader and by killing him he had become their new leader. So he began venturing around the kingdom with them, stealing from the rich and subsequently giving to the poor by making poor purchasing decisions with villagers. Eventually the bandits abandoned him because they were losing more money than they were making. Since then he's kinda just been wandering around helping people out to make up for whatever crime he's committed and looking for other people who have been branded as Sins, figuring they would know what crime he committed. [hr] [color=limegreen]Weapon: Cheater's Blade:[/color] The Cheater's Blade was stolen from some noble who had been keeping it above his fireplace as a trophy, the 7th heist Damian had performed with his bandit troupe. It is a slim sword, most comparable to the sabers that nobles use. The Cheater's Blade has the miraculous ability to cut through anything. Damian has to expend energy to make the sword to cut through things though, so he can still parry attacks and deflect projectiles without cutting through them. Damian refuses to sell the Cheater's Blade, because he stole it on his 7th heist and 7 is the luckiest number. [hr] [color=limegreen]Ability: Trophy Room:[/color] Damian can store anything he can carry in a pocket dimension, accessible only to him. He's stored mass amounts of armor and weapons in there, keeping it for future use or to sell for some extra cash. He's limited in what he can store, he can't store entire houses or even entire walls, but he can store things like weapons, furniture, etc. Others can access the trophy room if he links a door to the inside of it. The inside looks like an extremely large armory, filled with everything he's stored inside. Note that he can only store 2 Arcs inside it at a time due to their immense power. [/center][/b][/hider]