[quote=@Gowi] All these “I’m going to reserve a slot for a Sin!” people are going to feel real awkward when the sin they are applying for has posted in the IC and established in-game continuity and thus difficult to retcon. Honestly, I really don’t understand the sentiment of lingering in the background when the actual player playing the slot is right there in the OOC active and participating. I imagine it’s pretty harrowing for the players who have that over their shoulder and I know if I was put in that situation I would not be too thrilled or amicable about it. [/quote] I can understand that, but I've seen a lot of people drop an rp and the rp has died because that character had an important role and nobody else could fill it. Personally speaking I would rather have to retcon something than just have an RP die, but I'm not usually a gm so my opinion on that doesn't really matter. [quote=@The ghost in black] ....... yeah just a bit, but I'm still here [@floodtalon] and I'm not giving up my position as the sin of greed [/quote] I wasn't trying to take your spot in specific. That was more of a character to show that I'm a competent writer who's willing to put time and thought into my character. I'm perfectly willing to fill for any character that drops out honestly. I'm very sorry if I offended you in anyway.