[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/e2af4485b6bac45b4ae2a5ff5e854a3a/tumblr_mt8e69usYF1sec2hzo1_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: Egyptian Museum[/center][hr][hr]Nora blinked a bit, focusing her mind on the strange symbols that appeared on Lady Munn's locket. With her small journal and writing utensil, Nora closed her eyes, in order to best recall the way the symbols appeared. And then, she meticulously sketched them out on the paper. The drawings were rough and crude, but still representative of what Nora had seen flash before them. [color=00ccff]"Curiouser and curiouser,"[/color] Nora muttered, smiling softly as Lady Munn apologized. [color=00ccff]"It was a human reaction, Lady Munn. There is no need to fret on our accounts--we all surely would have felt the same. And in fact, some of us did act so just an hour prior this evening. There is no shame to be had."[/color] Of course, Nora suspected that Lady Munn may have had the shaking sickness, and given her own time spent bedridden, she couldn't help but feel for the Egyptologist. However, that failed to explain the exquisite lights, or the brands that had been seared into their flesh without cause. Nora rarely troubled herself with nonsense, a reason why she took such a distaste to her brother's wife, Fannie. The girl was an experimental writer, always pondering more and more silly ideas. Well, her brother's wife would have been enamored with tonight's events, Nora could not help but conclude. The words that Lady Munn said hardly failed to escape her attention, but all British families had some shred of scandal attached to them. Nora constituted her family's horrors--and thus, she saw no reason to rejoice in the horrors of the Munn family. [color=00ccff]"Forgive me for being candid, but even Sir Conan-Doyle could not present a reasoned explanation for the night's events,"[/color] Nora surmised. Had she not been a quiet soul, she would have suggested they investigate more into Bast, and any connection the goddess had to the Nile. But raised in a family where the girls were not allowed to speak their minds, Nora remained silent, waiting for others to propose some course of action. And of course, she couldn't help but be perfectly assured that the actress would spew off some nonsense of her own. The woman lacked a single shred of dignity.