[@Dusksong]Orion came to a stumbling halt, his legs unable to hold his body up any longer. He dropped to his knees, blood dripping from his face as he trembled from shock and pain. The regenerative properties of his kagune were too slow. He needed to eat something or he might actually die this time. But where was he? The dew of what was barely even morning matted the grass below him just as his own blood matted his hair and stained his clothes. There was a castle before him. Tall and ornate as it was, there was something dark and secretive about it. Something magical. Even if he wasn't in such a destroyed state, he would not have noticed it until he was right next to it. Every muscle fiber was on fire, every bone ached. His head throbbed and his balance was skewed, but he managed to crawl to the marble steps of the castle before collapsing. His black and red eyes darted around as his stomach wrenched and knotted. Someone let out a shriek of agony, or was it fear? And was it someone, or was it him? He couldn't tell anymore. There were flashes, memories he didn't want to remember. He lay there weeping quietly from every from of pain that a person should never have to endure.