[center][i][sub][sub]Special Thanks to [@Xtreme][/sub][/sub][/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PVNcqJE.png?1[/img][/center] [color=yellow][sub]P R E M I S E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]Gotham Knights is a collaborative semi-linear sandbox that takes place in Gotham City within the framework of a singularized universe (DC Comics and Marvel Comics). Players can take control of any character (hero or walking-the-line) that calls Gotham its home, developing their own subplots all while they react to and take part in the larger story at hand. As a semi-linear sandbox, the keys to Gotham City are given to you – the player – but not without limitations or guidance. Your character’s story is yours to tell, but it is intertwined with the larger goings-on of Batman’s story. As we progress from arc to arc, your character will react and participate accordingly, interacting with other characters and effectively creating a living, breathing Gotham for readers and writers alike to enjoy. [/color][/indent] [color=yellow][sub]P R E L U D I N G E V E N T S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]The current date is May 2nd, 2016. It has been one month since the planet Earth was attacked by a host of Kryptonian invaders led by Commander Dru-Zod. Attempting to harvest the world in a violent takeover, utilizing alien technology dubbed the “world engine” the Kryptonian survivors wage an assault on Earth that risks the entire population of the planet. The technology begins a hyper-evolved process of terraforming that creates severe worldwide earthquakes and other catastrophic events. As the machines are attacked by Earth defense forces, it seems it’s a race against time to save the planet before everyone is killed in the process. Superman is pushed to the limits as he and the various other superheroes of the planet try to do their part against Zod’s invasion— a unity not seen since the days of the Justice Society of America and the Invaders. However, the defeat against Zod has left the world in a precarious state. The Kryptonian invasion has besmirched Superman’s entire reputation and the people who have once worshiped him now look at him with a paranoid gaze. He finds his allegiance and character under question by dozens upon dozens of politicians, celebrities, and journalists. The likes of Lex Luthor directly blames Superman for his incompetence and carelessness as well as declares that had Superman not been on Earth his oppressive people wouldn’t have come and attacked Earth in the first place. A sentiment that rings some truth. The precedent set by the invasion is not just limited to Superman’s reputation though. Between the various financial damages inflicted, the severe loss of life, and the militarized reactions from several national governments such as the formation of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s interstellar response agency S.W.O.R.D., as well as the research into several anti-metahuman projects and thinktanks. The world has officially been brought into a new age— but nobody knows if it will be good or bad. In Gotham City, the effects of the preceding events have been critical to the infrastructure and populace. The damage sustained is not exclusively structural; lives have been lost, and families have been torn apart. As the city grieves, crime runs rampant, taking advantage of the city management’s shifted focus on rebuilding to maximise profit. Wayne Enterprises leads the initiative to restore Gotham, the Wayne Foundation focusing on providing for families who have lost something in the tragedy, all while the company’s funds are funneled into projects to rebuild and revitalise. [/color][/indent] [color=yellow][sub]B A T M A N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]As far as Gotham is concerned, the Batman is a myth; a scare tactic employed by the GCPD to spread fear among the criminal underworld. He’s a conspiracy, nothing but a tale woven by those who would rather believe that their city is protected by a so-called superhero than face the cold, harsh truth of their reality. There is no evidence of his existence. Only the words of the criminals he supposedly brings in are there to fuel Gotham’s imagination, but how trustworthy can their stories really be? More than you might think. For the Batman is very real, much more so than anyone could imagine – and he is not faring well. His six years of activity have taken their toll on him, most of all his most recent encounter. [i]The madman[/i] refuses to leave his mind; his laughter is ever present, as are the screams of those who lost their lives in the Kryptonian Invasion. Gone is the faith he once had in himself, replaced by an uncertainty in his abilities. Robin, his partner, has left to spread his wings elsewhere. He would never admit it, but in truth, the Batman feels more alone than he ever has before. Little does he know, change is imminent, and with it comes a storm. The Dark Knight will be forced to step out of the shadows… and Gotham will be changed forever.[/color][/indent] [color=yellow][sub]A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75]This game will focus on the inhabitants of Gotham, whoever they may be, as they develop, grow and change in a semi-linear sandbox environment. You can play any hero or walking the line character related to the Batman mythos, provided they fit in with the current timeline of events – which can, of course, be negotiated with the GMs. This game enables us to write fresh takes on characters, so don’t feel limited by the canon. You’re free to reimagine characters within reason, provided that you keep in spirit of their original interpretations. The game will have “main arcs” for the characters to participate in and react to. These arcs will progress through GM posts, the first focusing on Batman being revealed to the public. However, as mentioned before, this is a [i]semi[/i]-linear [i]sandbox[/i] – so players will be given free reign (within reason) to develop their own subplots, advancing your character’s personal story as Gotham evolves alongside them. If this sounds like your kind of thing, then you’re welcome to join. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask. Both myself and [@GreenGrenade] will be happy to answer.[/color][/indent]