[center][h2]A Time of Turmoil[/h2] [i]The truth doesn't matter.[/i] --------[/center] [i]"The drums of war never cease. For Arcadia always lies in great peril. How could it not? Arcadia is a crucible of relentless conflict. It has ever been so... An era as long as the mountains are unyielding." As great powers battle for the continent's fate, I make my own humble contribution. A neutral witness in a formal but tense meeting between representatives of the League of Arcadia and representatives of the Dwarven Kingdoms in Dragonrage Pass, a stretch of land created by rage-filled dragons. Or so as the myths say."[/i] --- If one were to observe the entire pass under the night sky, one would find camps and fires as far as the eye could see. However, not all of them are on the same side. They are allies though, a relationship created when the goddess Gaia laid waste to Arcadia. While the soldiers of both sides are either friendly or indifferent to each other, there was... uneasiness in the camp where representatives of both armies met. But the politics was not the soldiers' concern yet and so the soldiers mostly did nothing but lay around and waited for orders. Among the organized regiments, there was one that was... not so organized. They were an assembled force of men and women who were there to help out but is not part of any official regiment. At the head of this unusual unit is one Jarde Devaron who had everyone under his command together around a small bonfire. Once everyone was present, he spoke. "So uhh... Hello everyone. I'm... pretty sure you all know we're not a regular unit but more of a group of varying fighters. You know, like Chrom and his Shepherds in the stories of legends." He attempted to raise everyone's spirits. "And like Chrom's Shepherds, I'm sure we can get far and accomplish many things despite being an unorthodox unit." "I'm Jarde by the way. Jarde Devaron. First and only son of King Harald of Ereb." The young man introduced himself. He wore a metal cuirass, gray in color with matching gauntlets and greaves and gray clothes underneath the armor. His hair is short and light brown in color save for a streak of black, believed by many in the Arcadia League to be a sign of corruption. "Ah, that's a good idea!" Jarde realized. "Why don't we all introduce ourselves? That's the first step to a great fellowship."