With not much response from any of his colleges, and the fact that they didN't even notice him, Jay decided to take matters into his own hand. The sweat he broke whilst in the hybernation already started freezing into small ice crystals on his skin, making moving painful. His breath formed small clouds that quickly disappeared. Tho only lightly, but his vision darkened, and his fingers started to go numb. Most of his muscles started to gently twitch. These were all sign of impending hypothermia. He scanned the room with his eyes, and found a terminal that seemed to be in working order. Under the flickering lights he slowly made his way to the terminal, and breatehd on his fingers to warm them up. As if they were made of stone, tehy slowly moved, and unfolded as they touched the screen. The terminal came to life, and the warm glow filled Jay's eyes. He rested his ahnd ont eh touchscreen for some time, and let it be warmed up by the tiny lights inside. As soon as he could feel his fingers again, he started to type in commands. It was a very basic system, with no real visoual interface to use. Only commands and datas. He searched for the room info. >-23 Celsius degrees. Main power offline. Secondary generator online and powering sections A to F. Section A to C are unavaible. D-E are nominal. Section F status is unavaible.< Minus 23 Celsius was way too cold. He could feel his body getting really cold already, and his priority was bringing power back to their section. With a few touches of the screen he rerouted the excess pwoer to their floor. Suddenly the lights started fizzing and then shined up even brighter than before, Illuminating the room quite clearly. The vents started humming gently as heat flowed in to warm up the air in the room. Small puddles staretd to appear below him as the ice melted. He looked at the back of the room, where the rest of teh group was. "Power is back on. Search for exit." [@Oliver] [@The Architect] [@Classpet]