[@DriveEMOut][@Oliver][@Nikki Moonlight] After not getting a clear answer, Harley shrugged her shoulders and messed with her hat a little, [color=a187be]"Well if y'all don't mind, I'll just go look fer a place to bed down Ol' Riley here. C'mon boy."[/color] The horse snorted and shook his mighty head as Harley took him by the leather reins, leading him past the group, including the strange looking girl with pink eyes. They had a name for them kind of people. Harley remembered her daddy saying it when she got in trouble for making fun of a girl like that long ago. Damn did she ever get a whipping for that. Now whst was it? Wasn't it....[i]albino?[/i] [color=a187be]"Kinda like a cactus flower, huh Riley?"[/color] She whispered to the horse. Riley bucked his head up and down softly as if to agree. Harley smiled. [color=a187be]"Yep. Real pretty to look at, but I reckon she don't want no one gittin' near her. I reckon any of these folks don't want no one gittin' near."[/color]