It wasn't much for the poor Paint horse, but in the end of days beggars couldn't afford to be choosers. At least it would keep the rain off. Harley managed to clear out a small space under a makeshift awning in the grassy lawns of the shop. Course that was after having to move some of the junk and dead bodies lying about. Thank God above she still had her ranching gloves on. It didn't faze her much either. Death and depravity were the norms of this new world. One mangled and chewed up corpse was no different than another. Before, she would have been puking her guts out and crying at the sight of so much gore, like the first time she and her friends went and watched SAW, but now...after seeing so many dead bodies, her reaction was just a bitter sigh. Once her buddy was settled in, she sat down on the old engine block beside him, her chocolate amber eyes falling to the ground tired and heavy. [color=a187be]"You reckon these people ever had families too, boy?"[/color] She asked in a frail whisper. Twas obvious at one time yes, but maybe some didn't. The horse was too busy gnawing grass to give a proper response. Harley just sighed instead. She was worn out. It had been a month long ride across the country, and wherever she roamed, so too did danger lurk.