Ah. Well, that was problematic. The demonic knight was substantially bulkier than Nuva Doer himself, and that was clearly muscle from the lack of hunch in its movement... but then again, who knew what supernatural strength it held, and moreover what other powers it had? If it could deflect his attacks as readily as it had upon its manifestation, he didn't have any reasonable hope of damaging it. Then again, who else here would under those circumstances? 'I'll try and hold that monster off, captain,' the Skayleigh offered, moving into a more defensive stance than he was used to, maul in front of him and arm spike shifted back, ready to be pushed forward if needed. 'If it makes any difference, somebody ought to get rid of the sorcerer. Do you have any tips on dealing with... that?' He'd wait for the knight to try and strike first, then deflect its blade with his maul, and send a khala-boosted thrust from his arm spike toward... its chest, he supposed, though if it left its head wide open, that might be the more reasonable option, given that it was surely a weak point- less heavily armoured, more liable to lethal damage- even in a creature like that. Dodging the arm might also, he hoped, be unreasonable in a creature bigger than himself, even if it ultimately proved able to move faster than most mortals. Khala was fun like that: for a melee stab, more strength on the thrust inevitably translated to the thrust itself moving faster too. And if it was able to move faster than he could stab, chances are it'd also be able to hit him in the first place, before he could deflect its blows... but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. [@POOHEAD189][@frapet][@Austronaut]