Isaac took the encounter as a sense of dismissal for everyone, deciding he'd try to find a gas can with some fuel, or at least a gas station with some water bottles that weren't completely busted. As he roamed the town, he did find a gas station, and even a jerry can. "Well, at least there's some sense of luck still." Isaac walked into the convenience store part of the gas station, assuming it would've been looted by now. For the most part it was, apart from a single granola bar buried under some wrappers, almost as if hidden. He wondered if anyone had hidden it for later, but shrugged and thought to himself, [i]"Finders keepers."[/i] He went back outside, filled the jerry can as much as he could, and began the trip back to his car. If he had tried to imagine himself hauling a jerry can for a mile before all of this had happened, he would've laughed. He was used to driving places, only walking when going down the street for lunch or walking through office buildings, but necessity is the mother of invention, and apparently the step-mother of change. After a bit, he finally reached his car and filled it up. Isaac threw the jerry can in the back, plopped down in the front, and hoped the car would start. After a few seconds of struggling, the engine finally caught and came to life. Isaac smiled and put the car into drive, heading back toward the town and his new... Well, not friends yet, but acquaintances, sure, even allies. He parked the car along the street near the grocery store. As he hopped out, he saw the newest arrival, a younger girl with a horse of all things. Isaac had seen a few horses in his travels, but they were all wild stallions, and he had no way of even attempting to catch one. He walked over to her, since she seemed to be alone. "Hey, do you need any help?" I just thought I'd offer, seems to be what everyone else around here does, figured it wouldn't hurt." [@Flightless_Soul]