I'm sitting in a dark corner at the back of an inn in Oakport, hood drawn to hide my face, like it is almost everywhere I go. I'm not drinking, of course, but I've got a room for the night. Anywhere else, anytime else, someone would notice the cloaked, quiet man set apart from the revelry around him. But in this inn, at this time of night? Everyone's either too drunk or too busy dealing with drunks to care. I find it genuinely fascinating how people so carelessly throw away their souls for a good time. They won't be so happy in the morning. I meditate after this thought, laughing quietly. It's several hours longer before anyone pays me any attention. A red-faced, round man sits down across from me and asks me why I hide my face. "Yer scarred er summin'?" I'd rather my face wasn't shown, and I tell him as such. He laughs, ignores me, and pulls the hood down. "Dun ah know you? Yer look familiar." "Never met you before." I return my hood to it's previous position and check to see who's watching. Thankfully, no-one. "Woss yer-" He's interrupted when I hit him, hard, from across the table. He falls backwards, off his chair. A group of people are looking at me, like their intoxicated minds can't decide what to do after this development. "Couldn't handle his drink," I tell them. They laugh like it's the funniest thing they've ever heard, while I head to my room to sleep. A typical evening for me, at least. I wake up the following morning, early, as usual. I prefer to get up jut before sunrise so I can walk for a little while without hiding my face. It's an opportunity to throw off the disguise for an hour or two, to be myself once in a while. I walk through the main room of the inn, filled with the unconscious forms of countless revelers from the previous night. I don't see the one I'd punched, though he'd probably just slunk off to some other part of the inn. I step through the door of the inn, to see a group of no less than ten spearmen raise their weapons at me, forming a half-circle to trap me between them and the front of the inn. I could go back through the door, but there's no way out but this one. Behind them, I see two men, the drunk from last night and a Legion captain. All this for me? If I hadn't passed the Test of The Seven Sins (the Test requires a prospective student to resist each Deadly Sin in turn. Since the student is, of course, human, they will inevitably fail at least one. They pass if they fail only one, like me. Mine was wrath.), I would've been proud. The captain speaks. "Altwen Forensen, you are charged with multiple counts of treason..." Yeah, right. Learning to fight seriously, but not with the Legion? Worshiping anything other than Cacus? Both treason, apparently. "...but our generous and forgiving Lord Cacus has offered you a chance to redeem yourself by joining the Volunteers. Do you accept?" "Oh yeah, of course I do" I say, taking the spear from the closest soldier (while kicking him, naturally) and throwing it at the captain. Despite my retort, the soldiers are surprised and do not react immediately, but the captain does. He moves faster than most people are able to, dodging the spear and wrapping with hand around my throat immediately. "I've been told to bring you alive, but not unharmed. You're coming with me, but I don't particularly care whether you're keeping both arms while you do it" Unable to escape his grip, I have no choice.