"Alright! Lets make like a tree and get outta here. Where are we headed to hot pockets?" Mysterio asked the pyro-based superhero. "I heard one of the soldiers earlier on the US line talking about a bunker underneath a community center in Columbia Heights. I think it's in the northwestern region of the city..." Torch started to comment before more soldiers began to hit the scene in the distance. There were at least a dozen more civilians still alive with the two heroes. A bicycle wasn't going to cut it. Alan scanned their surroundings and saw it. An armored car, no money in the back mind you, but just sitting there with the doors flung open. "I've got a plan..." the Torch said pulling Mysterio closer not knowing if the man even had ears under the fishbowl helmet. Minutes later the two heroes were pushing the armored truck slowly down a mostly deserted street nearing where the community center was located. The keys in it were gone but they'd likely get spotted if they were speeding through a war zone. The civilians were safe behind bulletproof plating in the back cab of the armored car, the two heroes pushing it in neutral from the driver and passengers side doors. The community center was within a block away. The group was roughly half a mile away now from where the action had been taking place with the Amazon Baroness, which was where most nearby soldiers were making their way towards. "So magic man, you have enough of that crazy gas to where you could give us some cover while we get the civilians in the center. Like grenades you could chuck in a few spots while we make our way in?" Torch asked from the other side of the armored car not knowing if Mysterio could hear him speaking so quietly. ~KL~