“Oh boy, I wouldn’t really say I [i]know[/i] sign language, uh” Eve said, trailing off at the end as the boy started signing again. “Oh, he can hear us,” she translated, “he san’t uhm what’s that, wait oh he’s mute, duhh. okay Annnd have I seen his parents, his dad. Uhm someone I know or...whoa kiddo I don’t actually know that much sign language. Um…” She thought for a moment how to break it to the kid that his parents were dead. Then procrastinated as long as she could looking back around the room. The other guy was piddling with the controls otherwise everything was rather bland. “Well…” she mumbled to herself as she turned back to the kid. “Are you okay?” she asked, noticing his restlessness. She didn’t really interact with kids a whole lot but he seemed extra jittery. Before she could get an answer a low humming began and the lights and heating came back on. Warm air fell into the room like liquid fogging up all the glass on the pods causing every surface to start sweating. Her focus snapped over to the guy with glasses, who’d been messing with the controls before, his short command not really sitting well with her. “That’s a nice thought but if it’s negative what sixty in here don’t you think maybe we ought to see about finding some gear or something before we go and snoop around topside.”