[hider=Original Character Do Not Steal][center] [IMG]http://static.zerochan.net/John.Constantine.full.735347.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][h3][color=Silver][I]J O T I K O N T A N [/I][/color][/h3] [color=Silver][i]"I'm nothing special. I'm no ones hero."[/i][/color][/center] [INDENT][color=Silver][B]| B I R T H N A M E: |[/B][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Jotimaru Kontan[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[/B][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]'The Hellkeeper' Ash[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| S E X: |[/B][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Male[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| A G E: |[/B][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]29[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Silver][B]| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |[/B][/color] [indent]Nihilist, tactless, intelligent, unreliable, troubled, witty, with a incredible knack for getting into trouble and picking fights. An argument could be made if Joti's gone insane over the years, even though he does come off as perfectly lucid. For the majority of the time, anyway. [/indent] [color=Silver][B]| A P P E A R A N C E: |[/B][/color] [indent]6'0, athletic. European, black hair, dresses in dress-shirt, chinos and black jacket or trenchcoat. A loose tie hangs around his neck. He has several tattoos, all of which has some form of mythical meaning - each of which is a very powerful spell inked into his body He's got several burn marks, scars from cuts, bruises and bite marks over his entire body, his arms are especially scarred from defensive wounds.[/indent] [color=Silver][B]| A B I L I T I E S: |[/B][/color] [indent]Demonology; If you call him a wizard, he's gonna punch you in the face. He's not a mage, nor a conjurer, nor a warlock. He's a regular man who once used to be an average detective. An average man who happens to [i]dabble[/i] in the dark arts. A random dude who performed a heist of the second strongest being in all of hell. He knows just about everything there is to know about demons and everything that has with them to do. No, he does not hunt demons. But if a demon [i]happens[/i] to come in his way, he'll exorcise, trap or kill it. Spellcasting: He dabbles in the dark arts, so as such, he has the knowledge to cast spells, however, the lacks the 'juice' to do so. That's where the seals he has tattooed on his body comes into play, as they allow him to tap into the magical power of the demons that he has trapped inside of them. The amount of spell variety he has at his disposal is essentially limitless, but the stronger the spell, the more he has to 'open' the seals, letting more demonic energy out, something he's rather unwilling to do as the archdemons he has captured would wreck havoc upon the earth if released. Immortality; Joti cannot be killed. His heart can stop, his head can be cut off, and his blood can be sucked dry, but he won't stay dead. He insists it's because he's too much of a bastard for Hell to accept him. It's actually due to the forces of hell thinking it's more torture for him to be alive than it would be for him to spend eternity in hell. Eidetic memory; If he sees something, he can begin to understand it. And once he understands something, he will never forget it, allowing him to recall an absurd amount of information. [/indent] [color=Silver][B]| S K I L L S: |[/B][/color] [indent] Linguist; Hebrew, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian, Hieroglyphs, Prehistoric Symbols, English, Arabic and at least 15 other languages are all at his disposal - and if he doesn't already know them, a translation spell is only a ritual away. Detective; He's a skilled detective, having a analytical and perceptive mind. While somewhat hindered by his lack of fucks to give, he is certainly still one of Japans best detectives. Brawler: He's not a martial artist, but he's also not afraid in a fight - but then again, Death's nothing new when it's the thousand time it happens. Quite a few bar fights have made him into a bit of a brawler, not one to give a beating without taking one, but still hitting a lot harder than he gets hit. [i]Charismatic;[/i] While he's not able to always make you do as he says, he's a master at manipulating people, and one way or the other, he always provokes a reaction from you, weather it's to punch him in the face or to kiss him. [/indent] [color=Silver][B]| A L L E G I A N C E: |[/B][/color] [indent]Protecting his own ass. He thinks the Outbreakers are a bunch of jackasses who ruin more than they help.[/indent] [color=Silver][B]| B I O G R A P H Y: |[/B][/color] [indent] Born near London, raised in America, spent his teen years in Japan, Joti's father was from Tokyo, his mother from London, he took after his mom's features the most. He was a troubled kid, picking fights and getting into trouble, but he was always very smart, a photographic memory and quick wit made his fortune. He became a detective at the mere age of 20, and was still constantly getting into trouble. Till he meet a nice girl, Mariko. She was beautiful, everything Joti had ever wanted. They happily married for a year, till a mysterious force kidnapped her, and Joti ended up tracking the force down. Unluckily for him, it was a demon who had taken his wife, and the demon wanted to make Mariko it's wife. Something about the birth of an anti-christ, the details eluded him. Joti made a deal with a crossroads demon, to gain all the information he could possible take on Demons and their kind, to learn everything there was to learn about them in one fell swoop. And he did. But the price for such a deal is one's soul. Thus, once he had learned all there was to learn, Joti grabbed a noose and a chair and sent himself to hell. Using his newfound knowledge, he found Mariko, and meant to bring her back, but she was not going anywhere, corrupted by a being who called itself Lucifer - the ruler of Hell, and his grip over Mariko was stronger than even the knowledge Joti had now. He had stolen his wife, in return, Joti sealed Lucifer's second in command - Azazel inside a unbreakable seal within his own body - the seal unbreakable by anyone except the caster. That was 3 years ago, and since he made his way out of hell, his life's been far from simple, dealing with demonic threats have become a regular occurrence for him, solving missing person cases pretty much always ends with the coming of the apocalypse for Joti now. He's rather actively keeping the gates of hell closed, and dealing with anything that slips through the cracks. [/indent] [color=Silver][B]| E Q U I P M E N T: |[/B][/color] [indent] Lighter with runic inscriptions, pocket knife, pack of cigarettes. Memorized a couple of hundred 'cursed' or 'damned' or 'demonic' spell tomes. He runs a 'antiques' shop in the same space as his P.I office, where he collects / sells / buys magical artifacts.[/indent] [/INDENT][/hider] Totally not based on any other kind of intellectual property, no sir.