[quote=@VitaVitaAR] Well... I'll be honest and say I'm not sure about how closely he resembles his source material. I'm also not sure about involving capital H Hell and the antichrist, that dips a bit to far into "only Christianity is true" for a kitchen sink setting intended to involve stuff from all over. [/quote] The differences are many, and had I chosen another picture, and not made light of the similarities, most people could probably have not even figured out that he was somewhat heavily influenced on C. But, frankly, I don't know enough about John to rip him off. His concept's really the only thing that's the same. His struggles also completely different from Constantine. He doesn't have to cope with what he's done. He has to cope with what can happen if he doesn't do his 'job'. Hell's a spiritual realm, like many others were certain souls go when they die, depending perhaps on their own beliefs, or magic that affects them. And antichrist's the name of a weapon the Demons wanted to create. Also, Lancelot already made reference to hell, so I figured that was a open door. I frankly see no problem there, there's plenty of room in the sink. Edit: And the idea of 'earth shaking stakes' are built up from Joti's perspective. Does not mean just because he'd fail means that earth would go boom.