==>Be a bored lavender blood now. [b]Tick, tick, tick.[/b] Aleida watched as her husktop's clock's numbers slowly changed every 60 seconds. Waiting to get the game everyone has been planning is giving her a feeling she rarely experienced: boredom. Yes, she could do one of her many hobbies but she may miss a message on her Pesterchum. Aleida decided to check on a few of her acquaintances to see if they are doing at least something. [hider=Show Pesterlog] -- fabledMadness [FM] began trolling crystalWisecracker [CW] at 21:13 -- [9:13] FM: 4h, how's it h4nging..? [9:13] CW: Hey, FM [9:13] CW: Its been...well, sort of a crazy :Day [9:14] CW: How about you? [9:14] FM: Boredom h4s t4ken over. [9:14] FM: I'm checking on others to see if they're doing 4nything interesting. [9:14] CW: Well you shoul:Dn't be bore:D for to much longer [9:14] CW: We'll be starting that game soon [9:15] FM: Well,ye4h, but I don't know when I'm 4ble to get the g4me from..well,whoever is distributing it. [9:15] CW: I got my copy from Poppii [9:16] CW: I think Alvaro is also :Doing some :Distributing [9:17] FM: Ok4y. I'll bother him [9:17] FM: Cy4,m4ybe when we st4rt the g4me. -- fabledMadness [FM] ceased trolling crystalWisecracker [CW] at 21:17 -- [/hider] "Well,wasn't that one of the most shortest chats I've done." Aleida said before she moved her dusktop and face planted onto the couch she was laying down on. She got up and walked over to her key collection and chose out [url=http://artbystarlamoore.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Butterfly-Key-Necklace-560220847]a key[/url] to wear for good luck. Then, going back to her spot, she started to message a certain yellow-blood next. [hider=Show Pesterlog] -- fabledMadness[FM] began trolling toxicAnnihilator[TA] at 21:19 -- [9:19] FM: Hey. 4re y4 doing 4nything? [9:22] TA: 0h, 1 d1dn't see th1s g0 0ff. [9:22] TA: N0t really, why? [9:22] FM: I'm bored. [9:23] FM: W4iting on getting the g4me. [9:23] TA: 1 mean, Ka1tan s0rt 0f already gave me a c0py 6ecause we have t0, unf0rtunately, w0rk t0gether, her and 1 d0. [9:24] TA: S0, 1f y0u need a c0py. [9:24] TA: 1 c0uld supply. [9:26] FM: Really? Th4t's gre4t! [9:26] TA: Yeah 0kay. [9:26] TA: G1ve me a m0ment t0 f1nd the c0py 1n my f1les. [9:30] TA: 0kay, uh, s0rry that t00k s0 l0ng. [9:31] TA: Here 1t 1s. -- toxicAnnihilator [TA] sent the file gameshit.exe -- [9:32] TA: 1 d1d n0t name 1t that, 6y the way. [9:32] TA: Ka1tan d1d. [9:33] FM: I'm l4ughing so h4rd 4t the n4me right now. (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ [9:33] TA: 1 mean, [9:34] TA: Sure, 1t's funny. [9:34] TA: 1f y0u've never 6een 1n c0ntact w1th l1terally any0ne ever. [9:34] FM: I me4nt, th4t I looked 4w4y for 4 moment,4nd when I c4me b4ck I s4w the n4me of the file. [9:35] FM:It w4s unexpected for me,but 4nyw4ys,th4nks for the file! -- fabledMadness[FM] ceased trolling toxicAnnihilator[TA] at 21:34-- [/hider] ==>Aleida:DOWNLOAD THAT GAME ALREADY! YOU'VE BEEN WAITING SINCE 1AM! Alright, alright. You don't have to yell. Aleida clicked on the file and started the downloading process. Thinking it will take awhile, she walked out of her room to search for something to put in the strife specibus. Be another troll? ==>Be someone else for now.