[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjIzMGIwYi5SWEpwWXlCTGFXNW4uMAAA/metal-macabre.regular.png[/img] [img]http://s13.postimg.org/6f30mymg7/Jason_Momoa_Supercon_2014.jpg[/img] [hr][/centre] Drago listened silently as Eve tried to understand what the young boy was signing, he got the general gist when he mentioned he was a mute but he could hear them talking. Drago nodded to himself as if understanding something and set his black duffel on the ground and unzipped one of the front pockets, reaching inside he yanked out a small notepad and a cheap pen. Scribbling on the piece of paper he got the pen working and passed it on to the boy. [b]"I think that should help, I hope in time I will be able to pick back up on sign language. For now though you can at least talk to us without having to worry."[/b] Drago smiled at the young boy as he looked up, there was an electrical noise from within the room, the lights suddenly came to life and he could smell the heat that was beginning to pump into the room. At least they wouldn't freeze or get hypothermia while they figured out what to do next. The lack of personnel still bothered Drago quite a bit, he did not understand why there was no one else to greet them, especially given the importance they posed in the first place. When the man whom was able to reconnect the power spoke of finding an exit Drago was not too keen on the idea at that point. Walking over to the man near the console Drago looked at the door in front of them, it seemed the most logical way out of the room. [b]"Eve is right we should gather some gear, even with the heat off there is no reason why this room would get so cold unless there was a reason beyond here. I will go take a look around, see if I can find somebody who can tell us what is going on. My name is Drago by the way apologies for not introducing myself before, I guess awakening hours were between five and six, threw me off."[/b] Drago approached the door on the wall, there was a panel next to it similar to the one that controlled the storage room on the other side, clicking the door release there was a hiss before the door slid aside opening half way. Drago was hit with a rather chilly frost that chilled him down the spine. The air was deep chilled as he breathed it in, it made him cough hard, pulling his arm up he covered his mouth and breathed into his arm instead to counteract the chill and walked into the hall. Drago scanned the hallway left and right, it was void of life and even more so it was frosted over with a thin coating of sparkling frozen snow, this cold was not normal, not at all. It was almost like being back in Alaska. Making his way silently down the hall Drago came to a small desk, reaching forward he grabbed at a walkie talkie on the desk, it was completely frozen to the surface however making him unable to remove it. [b]"Hello!"[/b] Drago yelled loudly, his voice echoed around the hallway and disappeared receiving no response. Drago grabbed his sides as the chill began to get to him a little. It was hellishly cold, turning he made his way back to the room with the others and walked back in letting himself warm up in the heat. [b]"I don't see anyone out there, and the place is frozen like a freezer, everyone should make sure to be dressed warmly before we get moving. Is there any possible way to like get a schematic or something of this place, a map maybe, I remember faintly my trip down here in the elevator."[/b] Drago looked at the one who turned the power back on, he seemed rather tech savvy or at least had an understanding of machines seeming he brought the power back on.