Jay just made a slightly annoyed face when the woman didn't get him. But when the big guy didn't understand what he was trying to mean, he got fed up. The only people person in the room couldn't catch his drift, then who could. With an empathic look at the silent boy, he took a quick glance at the terminal. Things seemed nominal. But the other parts of the section didn't heat up properly. It seemed however that it was a localized problem only. Other sections showed radical signs of heating up. Some of these signs were leakes of water, and broken pipes. Whatever the reason was behind this frostbite down here, the place was falling apart, and soon freezing woN't be tehir biggest problem. But it also worried him why the hallways didn't heat up. If someone tried to sabotage them, why didn't they cut off habitat life support? Or did they want them frozen? He toom his eyes off the screen and stopped his train of thoughts to look at the big guy exit the room via the door. He was standing close by, and Jay got hit by the cold too, but the vent next to him made the cold seem like an illusion. The frozen crystal covered walls of teh hallway were almost like something out of a dream, glimmering in the lights. But it reminded him more of a nightmare. If they don't get supplies and good clothes soon, they will freeze or suffocate really soon. He started to think. As Draco puleld back from the door to explain what he was thinking, Jay searched through the map. It seemed like one of those stations that carried supplies for them were jsut down the hallway, a good 100 meters at best. No lifesigns on the floor either. At least he doesn't have to worry about the staff coming back as zombies. They could get to the room, and take an elevator with the supplies to the surface. it didn't look like it was irradiated. Then they could hightail it to somewhere safe. But for that he also needed up to date info, which he couldn't get from this terminal. So they need to go to the control room, which is a floor below. But that would risk them losing time! He was puleld out of his brainstorm by Draco looknig at him with a look of a thousand questions and expectations. He looked at him, and the other two who were staring at him. He pushed his glasses which slid down on his nose in the time beingback to their palce, and after assessing the situation looked at the others. [b]"Staffs dead. Supply room down the hallway. Be ready."[/b] Without further hesitaion he turned his attention back to the screen. He was searching for something, which he found on the side of the pillar holding up the terminal. A small button that he pressed. With a hiss, the terminal was released from it's hold, momentarily gonig black. Soon enough the transparent glass started to glwo again, this time revealing a more sophisticated OS to Jay. He quickly searched for teh floor plan, and showed it to the others. [b]"Now follow."[/b] He took a deep breath of the warm air, and exited through the door into the chilling hallways, headed towards their best bet at surviving.