[color=steelblue] "With me then," [/color] Dallen told the hooker, handing her over the caps discretely. As Breckinridge moved, so did he. Dallen quickly got up, picking up the hooker's red wine drink while putting his free arm over her shoulders. [color=steelblue] "Play along, and I'll double the caps." [/color] The pair began stumbling toward the exit, just before Breckinridge made it out. Giving the hooker a kiss for a moment, he turned just in time to knock into Breckinridge, pouring the red wine all over his suit. With a slight of hand, he gracefully pickpocketed Breckinridge and slid the map into his own sleeve. [color=steelblue] "Oh shit I'm sorry man," [/color] Dallen spoke, grabbing a small towel from one of the poker tables and patting Breckinridge's stained suit with it. [color=steelblue] "Here, let me..." [/color] It was clear the man didn't want to be cleaned, so Dallen ceased and let the man keep moving on. He expressed a lot of guilt, but after awhile he turned his attention back to the hooker, kissing her again passionately and ignoring what had just happened. With a shrug of his shoulders, he and the hooker exited the casino and slowly followed behind Breckinridge, carefully staying hidden in the dark shadows of the alleyway. With a good distance in between them and using the moon above as a light source, Dallen looked at the map.