[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjI0YTNmOS5SMkYwYzJKNUlFWnBkSHBuWlhKaGJHUSwuMQ,,/fairfaxstation.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/fe70ba0716c9b2a13ff1789726390ff4/tumblr_inline_nrnc9uRXMi1sn95bh_500.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/6a0324cc94bb66eb4ed99c7db292cc74/tumblr_inline_nrnc9xIRNN1sn95bh_500.gif[/img][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/2d43c8ded98254ec1b9d4ecaf6aba834/tumblr_inline_nrnca2jqe71sn95bh_500.gif[/img] [b][u]L[/u]ocation:[/b] The Peregrine Hangout Area [b][u]I[/u]nteracting With:[/b] No one[hr][hr][/center] Gatsby's day had not started off well. He'd been awoken by his mother, who proceeded to inform him that he was late, and then shrieked at him about not having packed. Gatsby, shirtless, groggy, and somewhat confused, stood up and ransacked his room to find his wand. Once he did finally locate the instrument, he flicked it and his clothes began folding themselves and floating into his suitcase. He grinned. Magic was wonderful. While his suitcase packed itself, Gatsby rushed to get ready, combing his hair and slipping into a flannel and joggers. He slipped on his Converse and grabbed his now full suitcase, said goodbye to his mother, and then sprinted across the street to the bus stop, waiting to bring him home. Leaning against the wall, he found himself at a similar yet different bus stop, awaiting the arrival of the Peregrine. As he waited he pulled out a book, Fahrenheit 451, and began to read, picking up from where he'd left off in the middle. So enraptured was he with the novel, that the Peregrine's arrival went unnoticed. He was finally pulled back to reality by the honking of the horn, and he then clambered into the car, taking his room number from Pluto and giving her and Mercury a friendly greeting. The old crones resumed their bickering just as he was climbing down the staircase. He first placed his suitcase in his room, and then made his way down to the common room area of the Peregrine, his nose buried in his book, only ever looking up to greet some of his friends. He finally found a spot to sit in the common room, surrounded by the noise of students, thrilled for a new year of school and adventure. Gatsby on the other hand, simply wanted to savor everything. It had just occurred to him that this would be one of his last few trips on the Peregrine. It filled him with a sense of longing and melancholy, that was only beat back by the words of Ray Bradbury and the sound of fourth years, arguing over a game of chess.