[@The Critic] [@MissCapnCrunch] [color=a187be]"Well...thanks I guess."[/color] Harley muttered a tad disappointed. It was to be expected in the end of days. The comforts of home were now relics of the past in this dog eat dog world. The only hope she probably had of getting a nice shower was standing out in the middle of a cold rain butt naked, and that...well...that was just asking for trouble. She blushed just thinking about it. After a while or so, she figured it was best to introduce herself to the others. No use in being a stranger if she was going to be staying here for a few days, right? She might as well get comfortable with the others around here. Her boots clopped loudly and her spurs rattled as she made her way into the store, looking around with an astounded whistle, [color=a187be]"Damn! Mighty fine place y'all got here! It's kind of a dump, but hey, at least it keeps the bugs and the rain off, right?"[/color]