[@BrokenPromise] [color=f26522]Keefer:[/color] The only questions I have about this character is how the Lunos actually works. [quote][color=MediumSpringGreen][sub]» [b]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]When active, Dead cell suppresses the activation of Lunos abilities within a ten foot radius. That's a twenty foot diameter sphere FYI.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=MediumSpringGreen][sub]» [b]D R A W B A C K S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]It's EVERYONE'S Lunos but his own! Keefer cannot select just one person and turn off their Lunos. This also doesn't stop people from standing outside dead cell's radius and making a Lunos created power enter the dead cell. [/color][/indent][/indent][/quote] Dead Cell suppresses the [i]activation[/i] within the area, but what if a Lunos was already active while in the zone? If it does suppress an active Lunos then maybe the word [i]nullify[/i] might be a better option. A little more clarity on how it works would be advisable so people can understand any consequences for if they interact with your character. The drawbacks might need some expansion as well. People can enter the Dead Cell with an active Lunos, but it doesn't tell us the consequences of entering, ie: does the ability deactivate or is it still active? There is also the limitation of use. While I don't like time based abilities, as time in a roleplay is indefinable, how long does this ability last for with opposing players and is there anything preventing the character from spamming the ability? [color=f26522]Lenna/Holla:[/color] To be honest this character confused me a little bit until I reached towards the end of the character sheet, but I'm still scratching my head a little bit. I'm assuming that they are the same person with two different personas? It's just a little vague on some of these details to help grasp the image on who the character is as a whole. Remember, this is OOC information so if you need explain something here and state that it's not IC knowledge, then other players should take that into consideration when interacting with the character. The Imposter ability does raise a question, not to do with the ability, but how it will be played. What sort of indication will you be using so that players don't interact to your character and refer to her by the wrong name? If you're using a header title of some kind for when they swap over between identities then that should be fine. I just need some comfort in knowing how you would like to play her out. Overall... It's not much, just a bit of expanded info in some areas. Pictures were curious at first but I understand the reasoning behind them with one being a different passenger and the other being unknown with multiple identities. Did you have any plans of eventually showing off their face claims? (Just a curious thought, not related to the critique) [hr] [@Mr Donny] Your character seems quite fine. I might get you to change the age to words so that it spreads out a bit more under your long character name. Also... [quote=@Mr Donny] Colour me interested, just a quick question: does the character have to come with a picture? I prefer to just go with descriptions, but if the GM wants it, I can scrounge the net for a picture. [/quote] A picture is preferred of some kind... [i]but[/i]... it doesn't have to be a character image. Similar to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/125710-asks/char#post-3620387]this[/url]. You already have a fairly fleshed out description of what they like to wear and their visuals so I'm happy with that. Aside from those things which aren't really deal breakers, the character is accepted! :sun Post it up in the Character Tab when you get a chance. Also, check out the Discord link. :toot