[center][h3][b]Taka[/b][/h3][/center] So from maid, Manakete, tactician, and noble...we go to supposed Manakete since she looks young but is apparently old and a young woman with an ax and a dragon partner. The supposed Manakete seemed more nervous than Taka which was not a good sign considering the fact she could be one with more power. He'll make a reminder to help her out with that later if he can, maybe a few tricks to go along with it as well. The Wyvern Rider seemed friendly enough...though the Wyvern comforted Taka a lot more than the ax. His legs were already getting a bit wobbly from looking at everyone's swords but the ax really made him shake a bit more than usual. He could imagine everyone making fun of him, all because of his fear for weapons that involve such strength despite that being what he grew up with. No way are these people going to find out...just stay calm, he reminds himself, just laugh like Gramps said. So he thought of the funniest prank he pulled off on a heist and laughed. Taka really couldn't hold in his laughter as he doubled over once again. This place was really like home, he thought, only these guys hopefully won't be jerks...right? He eyes the large Wyvern that was attracted to his plates of food and laughs even more. Thanks to his constant travels, Taka heard a bunch of different stories and the ones about Wyverns enjoying a good meal seem true. Immediately he gets a plate full of meat ready from all of his hoard and displays it in front of the dragon. Waving at the owner of the dragon and the other newcomers who introduced themselves, he looks at his hoard of food and laughs a bit again. The pile was diminishing and he wasn't one to give food out to only one person due to picking favorites. He grabs his bow and looks at the others one last time as he says, "You guys keep on introducing yourselves, and I'll be back. Might as well have a meal while talking this much. People tend to speak longer and feel a lot more comfortable with a meal at hand...or at least some type of food. If you guys don't mind me leaving for just a bit."