[center][h1]Sleeping Panda ʕ•`ᴥ•´ʔ[/h1][/center] [i]That's not fair...![/i] She thought. Her efforts backfired as what she had truly wanted drifted away tantalizingly far away from her reach. She wanted to grab him up and hug him tightly but she couldn't do it now that he was in such an awkward position. Zann's human form made her blood boil, but his fox form was something else. Those wonderful ears, that wonderful looking fur... She wanted it badly [sup][sup]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/sup][/sup], but she could never forget that behind the furry visage was still the same old Zann. The same old annoying Zann, who was always teasing her like he knew exactly how she felt. When she had first entered the Outbreak Agency, she had looked at just about everyone with no short amount of wonder. The limit of her interaction with other people in the past had been running away from bounty hunters with her father, and most of the time she never even saw them before they started firing. Arriving at the Outbreak Agency had been a huge change which had taken a little time to get used to. The most jarring of which was most likely the kindness and timidness of Miyu, traits she had never seen before, although 'timid' had certainly been one of the words to describe her in her earlier days, however; if Miyu had been the most unique person she had seen so far, then Zann had been a close second unfortunately. Easily the most mystical of their members, there had been something otherworldly and fascinating about Zann. In retrospect, it was definitely still there but the feeling she'd had when she first saw him had been wrung out into one of competitiveness. She couldn't forget the way he'd looked the first time he had transformed, they were a major reason she felt conflicted about him all the time. But in the end, there was only one person who could be number one in her heart, in terms of cuteness. In front of Miyu, she didn't want to lose. She walked around to the left side of Miyu's desk, and tried to wrap her up in a tight hug. [sup]"Senpai..."[/sup] She spoke softly, [sup]"Who do you like better? Me or Zann?"[/sup] [hr] [@VitaVitaAR] [@Zetsuko]