[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjIzMGIwYi5SWEpwWXlCTGFXNW4uMAAA/metal-macabre.regular.png[/img] [img]http://s13.postimg.org/6f30mymg7/Jason_Momoa_Supercon_2014.jpg[/img] [hr][/centre] Drago looked at the map of the facility silently, he memorized the layout letting his eye's trace around the blueprint, maps were after all a lot easier for him to remember when it came to area's such as this. Feeling the tap on his shoulder Drago turned to see the younger boy behind him, the notepad he had given him was thrust into his face, reading the neat letters on the paper he looked at the boy, his eye's were cold but he remained emotionless none the same. So he was thinking that his parents were down here as well. Frowning Drago scratched his beard quietly, if that was the case then the question was why they did not place the boy with his parents in the same room, it would stand to reason that they would keep family together if nothing else. That thought however was outweighed by the impending thought of doom, Drago was pretty sure by now that no one else in the facility was even alive right now, what were the chances that others were not awake by now if there was really others down here, people would be popping up all over the place. No.. a complete idiot would realize at this point that something had gone terribly wrong down here, an that was because of something that happened top side. Drago looked at the kid silently thinking about if he possibly knew that his parents might not be here and if they were, they might be dead. [b]"I will go look into the other.. rooms on the map. I will see if I can't find anyone. You both should follow him to the supply room and collect what you can I have a feeling we are going to need it. If you have any clothing you brought with, you should put it on, the cold chill is not just for show."[/b] Drago intended to say more to the kid but truth was he did not want to cross that road if he did not have to, there was little point in telling him his parents were dead if they might be down here alive still. Before leaving the room Drago reached down and unzipped the bag on his side, removing one of the various black shirts, he took the knife from its sheath and quickly cut the shirt up into four large pieces. Replacing the knife in the sheath he applied one of them to his face, covering his mouth he tied the back of it around his neck and secured it to keep himself from breathing too much of the chilly air within the hallway. [b]"Here you should wear this kid, tie it around your mouth and nose, its primitive but it will help you to not breath in a lot of cold air. These temperatures can cause problems with the lungs, without going into too much detail this chill can freeze particles in the lungs and make prolonged exposure dangerous. You too Eve, that last thing I think we need is someone getting extremely ill, this one is for the other man." [/b] Drago zipped the bag back up setting down the makeshift masks and quickly exited into the hallway, recalling the routes and rooms on the map he went in the opposite direction of the other man. He would catch up later, for now his own curiosity coupled with the kids request was more pressing to him. As Drago walked the dead hallway he wondered what had caused this kind of devastation to an underground facility, he was not an idiot he had already figured out why it was so cold, it didn't take rocket science to know this was being caused by an external factor even though he would rather play the ignorant fool for optimism's sake. This facility was suppose to be cut off from the outside world and secluded keeping it safe but somehow through some measures the cold chill somehow entered the facility and threw it into disarray which also meant that this place was probably unstable. Cold temperatures and ice did not go well in a facility like this, the deep freezing would almost certainly weaken the entire area, would destroy anything man made as time went on. [i]"Staffs dead."[/i] The words played into Drago's mind, that man seemed so cold and oblivious, how he so easily spoke of death without a thought to anyone else in the room. He didn't seem to care that anyone else might possibly still be alive in the facility, even he could not know if that was entirely accurate or not. Didn't matter... didn't matter, let him do what he wanted and think what he wanted. Drago's eyes surveyed the current area and another door was now in sight, walking up to it he silently walked up to the keypad and clicked the release button, the door opened with a hiss, hit with some heated air Drago walked into the room pulling down the black makeshift mask. The room like theirs had pods in it, there was approx. about four pods in the room, Drago walked up to one of the pods and looked inside. There was a man with his eye's closed in it, reaching forward Drago put his hand on the mans neck, there was no heartbeat as there was no breath. The skin was cold and clammy, it had a tinge of purple to it, with two fingers Drago opened the mans eye, the pupil was white and unresponsive, he had been dead for a time. Drago approached each pod respectively and the result was always the same, everyone was dead, how was this possible? Why were these people dead yet Drago and his small group were still alive? None of this made any damn sense, none of it yet here he was, here they were in a frozen hell. Drago sighed knowing there was nothing to be done, this had not just occurred, they had been dead for a long while, preserved by the cold chill, he could only hope that none of these people were the parents to the young boy, and even if they were not that meant equally his parents were not here and that meant they were dead long before today. Drago approached the storage room on the other side of the room, it was identical layout to their room, releasing the door he walked into the small area and saw the personal affects of the others. Pulling the bags off the shelves there was no point in not taking what was useful, they were dead and the realization that he would find the same in any other room had become a very real reality to him now. Most of the belongings were potentially useless beside clothing and personal keepsakes, Drago sifted the items and took the ones most useful to himself, a couple heavy shirts, some notebooks and a few pens, some metal items, fabrics which could be made into rope and other necessities if need be. Reaching into the bag Drago removed a pair of goggles one might wear if they went skiing. Drago silently placed them over his head, the fit was snug enough, one size fits all he guessed. Removing a photograph from one of the bags Drago looked at it, it was a nice picture of a family, a man a woman and two children in a large open area with an RV a lake in the background. Putting his hand to his chest Drago felt where the picture was of him and James, it just didn't make any sense why they lived and these people just.. died. Drago would have thought more on the subject but the sudden creaking made him look up, Drago quickly grabbed his bag and exited the room just before the ceiling busted in releasing a huge whiff of extremely cold air. They had to get the hell out of here, that damn well proved the facility was falling apart, thank god that creaking sounded like cracking ice with too much weight on it or he would have been crushed. Crossing the room Drago exited it pulled the goggles over his eye's and the makeshift mask back over his mouth and nose. Sighing Drago pushed the button to close and seal the door, he only hoped that they had found some measure of peace. Looking down the rest of the hallway Drago shook his head knowing it was useless to look for life, it was too late. [@Oliver][@Classpet]