"My survival was never in doubt." The Frenchmn was trying to rile her up. That was fine. Such people were common, and such efforts were just as common. As long as he was providing the cover she needed he could entertain himself all he wanted. If anything his attempts to aggravate her only added fuel to the fire. Having lost the disconnect that long range combat provided her heart was beginning to pound, the adrenaline beginning to seep out and course through her veins. Her foe was a Newtype, this she knew for sure. It was the only explanation for their ability to react almost before an attack occurred, and it explained their mobile suit. Despite its appearance Rebekah doubted it had much in common with a mass-production Zaku at all. That left no room to hold back. She flicked a switch on her controls causing her GM to release the clamps securing her other rifle to its back, then she casually tossed her long-range rifle towards the Frenchman's Juggler. It drifted through space towards the other GM while the Striker grabbed its other rifle and readied it. In the cockpit Rebekah unbuckled her helmet, securing it under her seat and pulling out her hair tie. She pushed her hair back with one hand and loosened the tight-fitting collar of her normal suit with the other, rolling her head and feeling the satisfying [i]pop[/i] of vertebrae. "Lieutenant Junior Grade, Rebekah Fell. Take that rifle and make yourself useful. It will be more useful than that peashooter you are using." Her chest pushed out with a deep inhalation, the relaxing exercise at odds with the energetic edge that had begun to creep into her voice. She needed to be focused. Being close to the fighting was different from sniping at a distance. It required a different level of preparation. She [i]needed[/i] the adrenaline pumping through every cell of her body, expanding her consciousness to fill every fiber of her being. Thought became action effortlessly. The Metal Spider [i]needed[/i] to move like an extension of her body. She slammed on the thrusters as her eyes snapped open, [url=https://youtu.be/M7fLOQXlPmE?t=35s]violet eyes seeming to flash in time with violet visor.[/url] The Striker slammed its palm onto the asteroid, pushing it down and the GM up while the potent thrusters on its back sent it rocketing forward flanked by the two Type Ks. This wasn't like before, either; Rebekah wasn't hiding. The Striker was [i]moving[/i], and moving [i]fast[/i]. Far faster than any other GM could manage. She moved in zig-zag motions, pushing off of the larger asteroids in her path with the Striker's foot without slowing down or bothering to make use of the maneuvering verniers. The number of possible directions, or orientations, the Striker could use to move forward made it hard to track; exactly what Rebekah was hoping for. She had gotten a decent look at where the Zaku had chosen to take cover, now she could get close enough to do some damage. Unless one of its allies intervened, she'd see an attack coming in time to block or evade. It was time to take this seriously. [@Plank Sinatra] [@Crimmy]