[@Holy Soldier] [quote=@Holy Soldier] [@PURRfect93]I have a few questions but overall the profile is acceptable. 1) Who is "they" you mention in the beginning? Are you talking about HKBs being a unit? 2) In his current story, what about the princess? [/quote] I'll update to add the princess in there. [Edit] looking back at the OP (because I honestly glazed over her section ^^") I see she's been traveling for some time... Within that same time I think my character would have been training. On a side note of that, I'm not quite sure of the White Church's current standing in trying to find her. Anything beyond that would more likely be created once two two meet and interact :0 [end edit] As for they, I ment it in a generalization of sorts. I had thought that there would be different places that were occupied by the HK, and as such larger forces would each need a smith/arms master. So while the HKB is a prestigious title, it's not exactly unique. Or at least that's how I had thought of it :0