[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v63lYqG.png[/img][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6dd238f505271e3ce7695bc983aada5f/tumblr_o7jldtnBw11r51oypo8_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JeaoZe2.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent]I'm a twenty-one year old American male with a vivid imagination, and a love for the art form above all else. I live in the east coast, and thus, I'm in the American-Eastern (UTC-05:00). I'm a person who loves to tease people, so don't take it personally. Speaking of which, I write on an advance level (though, I may dip into casual if I'm not feeling it), and can write some pretty detailed and three dimensional characters (My characters are thought out in general, of course). I don't really care for jamming a post with unnecessary detail as I care about putting the essentials into a post, so keep that in mind if you want to RP with me. I value creativity above all else. I'm more of a Scifi/Modern guy than fantasy, and I do like realism in my RPs (even if it's a small amount) because [i]all media[/i] is based on reality in one way or all.[/indent] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3LEUJbZ.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent]❱ I am twenty-one, and capable of handling mature themes (Long before I was twenty-one infact). I don't want to write a porn RP, but if sex comes up, I'm down with it long as it makes sense. And I don't want to write a sappy romance RP as I want to write a good story, so we'll have to work out the deets. ❱ Add me on Skype/Discord if you can, it'll be easier to discuss things. My contact information is in my sig. ❱ If you don't want to write with me anymore, tell me. But, if you drop without saying a word, oh well. That's the end of that. lol ❱ I am pretty patient, so long as the RP interests me, I don't care how long it takes. ❱ I tend to write a lot of different characters if possible, so keep that in mind. I just like writing characters with different pasts or philosophical beliefs. ❱ We can keep the sheets short and sheet since this is a 1x1 (and because of the above point). ❱ I'm totally cool with a 1x1x1/private RP/etc RP if a single idea gets enough interest and all parties involved want to do it. ❱ I'll do RPs in PMs, or threads, but I prefer threads because I have nothing to hide but a lot to show. ❱ Now, I'll be blunt, if I don't like your ideas, and don't really think we'll "click," I'll be straight up and say I don't want to do it. Or if I don't want to do the RP. [/indent] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/917vHgD.png[/img] [sub][sub]I.E the stuff I really want to do.[/sub][/sub][/center][hr] [indent][hider=Academy 218]Set in my [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/133247-baybridge-era-of-the-old-new-gods/ooc]Verthaven/Baybridge Universe[/url] is an Academy that was the setting for several different Roleplays known as Academy 218. Basically Xavier's School for Gifted Fuckboys within the bounds of that setting. Part of me wants to run this RP again, but I don't think now would be a good time for a group RP, so I'm gonna run it as a 1x1. My basic idea is that someone plays the "main character/protagonist," and I play the colorful cast of side characters. We can discuss any number of characters, but I'd prefer to see what main character you have cooked up so I can base my cast around it.[/hider] [hider=Street-Fighter/Fighting-Game based RP]I have been itching for an RP with fighting game themes/whatever. We can make out anything in terms of lore/plot, but I kind of want this to be a journey type thing where the main characters go around beating up other martial artists for reasons.[/hider] [/indent] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fnrngld.png[/img] [sub][sub]Basically stuff we can work out. Things I'd really like to do are in red.[/sub][/sub][/center][hr] [indent]❱ Original [indent][color=red]❱ Anything within my Baybridge Universe.[/color] ❱ "Space Interns RP." ❱ Scifi Roleplay. ❱ A Spy RP inspired by James Bond/Archer. [color=red]❱ An Overwatch inspired Roleplay.[/color] ❱ A Murder-Mystery (We'll discuss the setting). [/indent] ❱ Fandom (I'm less inclined to do this, but my only rule is that we stick to OCs much as possible) [indent][color=red]❱ Armored Core. ❱ Anarchy Reigns.[/color] [color=red]❱ Little Witch Academia.[/color] ❱ Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. ❱ Overwatch. ❱ Life is Strange (Probably with original characters). ❱ Transistor. [color=red]❱ Street Fighter. ❱ Skullgirls.[/color] ❱ RWBY. ❱ Runaways (Marvel) ❱ Wakfu (Don't know too much about the lore, so w/e). ❱ Resident Evil. ❱ One Piece. [color=red]❱ Psychonauts.[/color] ❱ Castlevania. [/indent][/indent] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zYeWyyv.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent]❱ [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87447-allen-js-character-vault-of-excellence]My characters (In case you want to get a feel for what kind of characters I make)[/url][/indent]