[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Elizaveta%20Romanova&name=IndentureEnglishPenman.ttf&size=100&style_color=a187be[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/b92d0d7c43ae4cdb6795435782b2bc56/tumblr_nhq6pkG7aH1ts118io1_500.gif[/img][hr][i]Interacting With:[/i] [@ayzrules][hr][/center] The night had been long but having kept busy arranging her gown for the evening to come had not made Elizaveta wander through the night or lay there tossing and turning because of the time zone difference. By the time she was able to get to sleep she had fallen to dream land quickly and slept pleasantly enough. Turning and seeing Mei Mei in the room she smiled graciously as the woman in red came over to her and introduced herself. Taking her hand in her own gently, she gave a respectful curtsy; lowering her head somewhat in the process. Waiting until she rose fully and released the woman's hand before she spoke. [color=a187be]"It is truly a pleasure to finally meet you. I have looked forward to being able to speak to you since I learned of this event. I am most thankful that you are making time in your schedule to speak with me at this moment,"[/color] she said in a dove-like voice as she stood there. [color=a187be]"And please, call me Veta. My title makes me sound like I am my grandmothers age,"[/color] she said with a light chortle as she spoke. There was a gentle light in the way she spoke and carried herself while she spoke to Mei Mei. She had wanted to get to know the ruler of Liang for some time after what she had learned about her and her country. The woman had seemed to have been through so much and yet she carried herself with strength as well as grace. It was a beautiful combination that Mei Mei seemed to carry effortlessly and for that alone Elizaveta couldn't help but admire her. [color=a187be]"I hope you were able to sleep well last night and that you are finding your stay here pleasant thus far," [/color] she added after a moments pause. Glancing slightly out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of her betrothed and Caterina in the castle walking together. Her brow barely moved but it twitched just slightly pondering why they were together at such an early hour. They had said yesterday that there was nothing between them and she trusted their words but there was something about the two wandering about so early at this time alone that would have caused a scandal in even some of the looser tradition nations. Appearances were something that could be even more trusted than the truth itself and after everything her Empire had been through, appearances alone could force her to have to break off a betrothal. It was not something she wished but if they were going to be alone with each other, could she risk the damage it could present to her nation at this time after so many years of turmoil?