So... Grey- Janus (Hana) Ermine- Either Transformed or Doomed (with a leaning towards Doomed) [@Hyper Harlequin] What are you thinking of? [@Grey] Well, I was first checking for interest. Now that I've gotten it, I can say that I'll aim for a max of five. We've reached minimum. :) So I say we start character building here for the sake of waiting for more people. That way if we finish character building here and no more takers show up, we can start (while conveniently having a nice time limit/deadline for people to sign on). [@Ermine] So what you want to do is A. Have the Doomed playbook, but have the backstory fluff of Legacy? or B. Have the Doomed playbook and use the [u]backstory questions[/u] of Legacy Don't mind A. B, while it sounds like an interesting idea, I'm going to not allow. Don't want to complicate things to much and I'm a firm follower of the K.I.S.S.(Keep It Simple, Stupid) method when it comes to PBP's.