[center][h2][color=FF7F50] Elizabeth Jones [/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3yJUYJh.jpg[/img] [/center] Alex was the first to enter. Lizzy gave him a smile and greeted him with a [color=FF7F50]"Good Morning,"[/color]. Alex joking mentioned permission slips and Lizzy couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Alex ate a cookie straight-faced before arguing with, [color=FF7F50]"Hey! I'm the responsible person on this trip I have no need for a form,"[/color] and putting on an equally serious face and jokingly glaring down Alex before turning an accusing glance to Ariel. Lizzy was still not content with Ariel's plan to just up-'n'-leave but chose it better to not say anything. Jethart was next to enter and Lizzy greeted him in the same way she did Alex before continuing on with, [color=FF7F50]"Siblings, huh? Not that I can really sympathize, Josh Iis a sweetheart,"[/color] Before she could go on Jamie came serenading into the room, bowung and greeting and dropping the full-of-it formal act to make a beeline for the cookies. Lizzy shook her head slightly at Jamie. [color=FF7F50]"Morning Gia!"[/color] Lizzy sung back equally as excitably, accepting the hug and giving her a squeeze of her own. Gia then went on to look at the cookie eaters with expectant hazel eyes. [color=FF7F50]"Good?"[/color] Then Jace entered the house and followed his nose to the counter before helping himself to a cookie. Lizzy was about to say something when jje swooped in to kiss her on the cheek. Lizzy shook her head, trust him to go there. He always tended to go the extra mile to tease her failure to detect most flirting, or to recognize the guy was good-looking. Lizzy looked at him expectantly as well, [color=FF7F50]"They taste alright?"[/color]