[center][h3][color=firebrick]CASS ROWLEY[/color][/h3] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4bO9Qlf.gif[/img][hr] Her bags had been packed and in the trunk of her car for days now. She was so ready for this. The text message was like a message from above, even if she took issue with the little 'nickname' that was so associated with her in the group text field. Cass had been waiting for such a message for days now, knowing only that a supposed road trip was coming but not the exact day and date. Because she couldn't schedule her work schedule around this, this meant she still had to suffer through the indignity of holding down a thankless job carting around food and taking orders for people. But the message came through. And with it Cass had to let out a smirk. This trip was just the excuse she needed to do what she wanted to do from the first day she put on her little apron and didn't get tipped by stingy customers. Cass Rowley was going to quit her job. It wouldn't be the first time and she doubted it would be the last, assuming she took another job again. Who knew what the future held, let alone if she would even come back after the road trip. A lot could happen on the road. As soon as the message was received, Cass removed her apron and tossed it to the side. As she did, another waitress was heading out to the floor with a tray of food. [color=firebrick]"Hey, let me take this one, yeah?"[/color] Cass stopped the waitress, relieving the poor girl of her responsibilities. Cass didn't care if what she was going to do would reflect badly on her co-worker; she hadn't even remembered the girl's name and she hadn't exactly tried to befriend Cass either. No harm, no foul. With a tray of food in hand, with one plate containing a burger and another a patty melt, with a milkshake on the tray as well, Cass stepped out onto the floor to the couple that had just wanted a nice lunch. [color=firebrick]"Patty melt?"[/color] Cass asked the table, setting it in front of the one who ordered it. Except the food didn't get set on the table. Cass mishandled the plate 'accidentally' and the patty melt slipped off the plate and dropped wholly into the guest's lap. There was an outcry, as expected, with voices being raised and the aggressive partner of the patty melt wearer getting in Cass' face. [color=firebrick]"So you don't want your bacon cheeseburger, then?"[/color] was all Cass said as she tuned out the verbal assault being levied at her. With a shrug of her shoulders she took the man's cheeseburger and bit into it herself. [color=firebrick]"Still gonna have to charge you for it, though,"[/color] Cass spoke with a mouthful of meat, bun, cheese, and bacon. The verbal assault was in danger of turning physical as the man, quite understandably pissed at this blonde waitress, stood from the booth in a threatening, squaring up sort of manner. As soon as it looked like the man was going to rush her, she grabbed the milkshake glass and jerked it forwards, splashing it onto the man's face and causing the cold vanilla mixture to drip down onto his shirt. It was a temporary gesture that only served to increase the man's volume and anger. At this point, drawn by the shouting, the manager came rushing out to see what the commotion was all about and he sighed as he saw Cass making a scene. Cass, however, simply turned to the manager and smiled with a meaty mouth. [color=firebrick]"There you are, Mike. Just wanna let you know that I quit. Just wanted to let you know so I could do this,"[/color] Cass turned back to the angry couple, took another bite of the burger, and then just dropped the rest of the contents on the plate onto the floor. Burger, fries, even a pickle. The condiments splashed on their feet, with ketchup staining the man's fancy looking leather shoes. Cass was cackling like a banshee as she fled from the scene, hurrying out onto the lot and into her car before anyone was able to restrain her. She was driving towards Ariel's house while still enjoying the lingering taste of a shitty cheeseburger. When she pulled up and noticed that she wasn't the first to arrive, but she was sure to be the only one to arrive in style as she pulled not onto the driveway or even next to it, but up onto the lawn. From her car came the blaring sound of angry punk music, fitting all things considered. Her excuse for parking up on the curb was simple. No parking. What would tires do to grass anyway? Not much, she figured. Cass walked up towards the door. But rather than stop and knock and wait, she simply turned the knob and opened the front door. [color=firebrick]"I hope your parents are in the market for some lawn care, cuz my tires came with a healthy amount of mud."[/color] She announced her presence with a booming voice, [color=firebrick]"You bitches didn't forget about me, did you?"[/color] Cass didn't even grab a cookie, instead hopping, literally hopping, over the back of a couch to take a seat, propping her feet up onto the coffee table as if she owned the place.[/center]