Alright well here's my D-Hero Fusion deck 1x D-Hero Plasma/Dogma 3x D-Hero Malicious 2x D-Hero Drill Guy 1x D-Hero Decision Guy 2x D-Hero Diamond 3x E-Hero Shadowmist 1x D-Hero Fear Monger 1x King of the Swamp Spells: 1x Fusion Recovery 2x Poly 1x Rota 3x Destiny Draw 2x Allure of Darkness 1x Pot of Avidity 3x Mask Change 2x Form Change 2x Twin Twister 1x Scapegoats Traps: 1x Solemn Notice 2x Solemn Strike 1x Hero Signal 2x Call of the Haunted 1x Destiny Mirage Extra Deck: 1x Destiny End Dragoon 2x D-Hero Dystopiaguy 1x Vision Hero Adoration 1x Utopia/Lighting/Prime 3x Masked Hero Dark Law 2x Masked Hero Anki 1x Masked Hero Acid 1x Masked Hero Koga 1x D-Hero Deadlyguy === I can immediately think of dumping Fear Monger but it's nice for cycling back a D-hero and can be used for any of my D-Hero fusions. I already dumped the 2 dark city for the allures and 1 poly for the avidity pot which isn't normally dead since I malicious and all. Before anyone says scape goats it's not only a stall card but can be used on my opponent's end phase to bring out Dogma/Plasma for free which is always a big plus. I can possibly get rid of a masked hero for First of the dragons for it as well.