[h2][color=8882be][u][i]Diego Reyes[/i][/u][/color]//[color=crimson][u][i]Raijin[/i][/u][/color][/h2] Diego chuckled as Kichi-chan insulted his symbiotic roommate once again, slightly grateful that the old spirit wasn't paying enough attention to hear it. He really wasn't in the mood to have the storm spirit ranting about "honor" and "respect" and having the sound reverberate off his skull. Very bad for his sunny disposition. [color=8882be]"Oh, Raijin's off sulking somewhere in my soul right now,"[/color] said Diego cheerily, as he alighted on the pavement. He kept the wings out, though- those were cool. [color=8882be]"He's mad 'cuz I'm still not trying to get you guys to bow to me or whatever. I mean, I've dealt with arrogant spirits before, but this guy takes the cake most of the time."[/color] He then nodded along as his fellow medium went through how his day had gone, particularly about the jerk who spooked his Kichi-chan. Diego pondered for a moment how he'd missed Kichiro blowing out the lights- such a disruption should have registered to his senses as some kind of ripple or shockwave. Perhaps he was losing his touch. He was somewhat out of practice from before... Still, his Kichi-chan was learning well the lessons of spite and trickery, by the sounds of things. He smiled as Kichiro described his prank/hex. [color=8882be][i]Good for you- I'm so very proud of you~[/i][/color] He then chuckled at Kichiro's accusation of wasting his time on such a layabout as himself. [color=8882be]"Why, Kichi-chan, I'm offended! You of all people should know that there never was a shiftless ne'er-do-well that could match me! The puppet masters, as you call them, are distracted at the moment. I have received no orders for today, or perhaps I have, and I'm simply electing to ignore them. Who can say?"[/color] He grinned mischievously at this, then walked a couple steps closer, furling his wings into the unseen. [color=8882be]"Regardless of why I'm out and about, I am as such. And so, perhaps you'd like to do me the honor of accompanying me to acquire some food of some sort? Maybe even just stop for some coffee or something, I don't know. How about it?"[/color] [@cuttlefisk]