[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] The Makeshift Camp [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] The Group[/center][/b] Cyneburg finished up her meal relatively quickly and decided it was high time she get ready to sleep. She yawned, covering her mouth but stretching wide, several joints in various places making fun little popping noises. All she had to do was find a good spot to curl up and hopefully get some restful sleep. Everywhere she turned her gaze only revealed that the area was more or less equally unappealing mud. [color=#17c311]"Hey,"[/color] Cyneburg said, an idea popping into her head that she was pretty surprised hadn't come up before. [color=#17c311]"Can we just leave Cremwise behind here? It's not like he's doing anything."[/color] Cremwise was off on the edge of the group, trying to eat in peace as far away as he could get without raising too much suspicion. Upon getting called out he tensed up and turned paler than a wight's desiccated rear end. It seemed like he had been doing his best to stay out of getting volunteered for this exact kind of situation.