[center][img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51fa854ee4b0d906af527be5/t/522d38d6e4b00c944327f01b/1378695383512/briefing.jpg?format=1500w[/img][/center] William stood above the table paper all across it, with a hologram hovering in the centre of the planet in question. Noah had given it the designation P2A-594, and had in fact catalogued most of the stars and planets since they dropped out of hyperspace. While 594 wasn't going to be offering them an instant solution to their journey through the void it would be foolish not to send a survey team down to the planet in order to see what they could find, at least while Noah finished plotting star systems within range and they decided on their next move. Not to mention the EM fields detectable under the dense jungle were interesting to say the least. Would they find a sentient species on their very first planet? William didn't really know what the odds were but he doubted it, he just hoped that if they did they'd be friendlier than the last aliens humanity had encountered. "The Nyx will enter orbit here-" He pointed to a section of the map, Colonel Anderson wasn't present but all this information could be relayed to him via Noah later. As the A.I was built specifically to be able to work on the Nyx even if it wasn't currently docked, and that was if the plan worked flawlessly and the Colonel didn't need to adjust it. "-after performing a flyby to try and get a better scan of the EM fields she'll create a clearing here and land in it before deploying a Beast. The important part is that if there is sentient life we don't make a clearing too close, we don't want to blow up forest right beside their home as they'll probably look upon us negatively for that and that's the last thing we want." He turned to Captain Ray Steele, one of the finest tacticians he had aboard. "You have the personnel list ready?" "Yes sir, we're sending the Grave Robbers as fighter escort, and as per your request as it is the first away mission of the Nyx Lt.Rorq has been assigned to provide ongoing repair work and labs have been provided for Doctor Anderson and Mister Karlson aboard and they have been advised to prepare themselves for the trip. All other personnel are currently going through the process of boarding and preparing for launch." William nodded as he went through the list of personnel. He paused on his tablet as he scrolled over the name [i]Amara Locke[/i]. He wasn't too happy about her going, but she was qualified and her head of department had chosen her to go down onto the planet because she was good at what she did. He was going to have to accept that as the days went on, in the same way that Amanda had gotten used to him going off on dangerous missions. He supposed it had hurt her the same way it hurt him, and would hurt him if anything went wrong. Though they had the best possible crew assembled, so in theory nothing should go wrong. "Tell Chief TreVayne I'd like his presence on the [i]Nyx[/i]. I'm sending a military contingent but I'd still like for him to get a feel for the vessel and the operations, his experience in Europe will also help the ground team. Inform Captain Eccleson to respect any advice the Chief gives her on the mission-" Captain Eccleson. Another fine officer, the only thing was like most military personnel she had little combat experience. The militaries of the worlds had trained but there hadn't been a real full out war since the Third World War and nobody was old enough to have lived through that. Everyone was green, except those like Gavon TreVayne who had worked out in the wastes of Europe trying to bring some semblance of control and normality to the wastes. He may not be military trained, but he knew what he was talking about and was experienced. That skill and experience is what got him aboard, and he'd be a fool not to take advantage off it. Sure he could technically [i]order[/i] him to go, but at the end of the day he was still technically a civilian. "I want that ship ready for launch in-" He checked the time. "-One hour, at sixteen-thirty. That should give them time to get to the planet and set up their landing spot while still on the day cycle." He checked the data they had on the planet. "It will also give them five hours of light on the planet before night fall." He looked around the room as he finished talking. "All right people, make it happen." He was about to send his first mission to another planet, what a day...