[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Tamako/Tamako_p.png[/img] — Outbreak Agency Rooftop —[/center] The android nearly skipped up the stairs, the disturbance from early entirely gone from her mind by the time she opened the door leading onto the rooftop. As she shouldered open the door at the top her eyes were dazzled, not by the bright afternoon sun because that part of them had been burned out, but by the wonderful warmth of the summer day. Tamako smiled, already having put the confrontation from earlier out of her mind. She stopped just outside and held the door with an elbow. "Awww, I should have brought drinks..." Tamako still had trouble remember things that humans needed. Maybe having friends would help. It seeme that she was still learning new things al lthe time, even after so long. [@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR]