I finished my character. [hider=Lyric][center][img]http://www.scaryforkids.com/pics/blind-girl.jpg[/img] [hr][hr][b][h2][sub][sup][color=dedede]Lydia “Lyric” Richards[/color][/sup][/sub][/h2][/b][hr][hr] [i][color=c6c6c6]A tall girl, very slender and pale, who has waist-length platinum blonde hair and sightless milky eyes that she covers with a folded white handkerchief. A thin scar, snowy white against her already pale skin, trails from the notch of her collarbones to the base of her jaw. She appears to be somewhere in the vicinity of thirteen to fifteen, starting to become a woman but hardly grown into her body yet.[/color][/i] [i][hr][b][h3][sub][sup][color=dedede]Role[/color][/sup][/sub][/h3][/b][hr] [color=c6c6c6]A skilled pianist and violinist, Lyric can often be found among the musicians who provide the backing track for the circus, always there but never quite noticed. Besides this she has a few tricks of her own, being seemingly uncannily aware of where she is in space and what surrounds her, with amazing reflexes, and this can often make an interesting addition to many of the sideshow acts.[/color][/i] [i][hr][b][h3][sub][sup][color=dedede]Other Skills[/color][/sup][/sub][/h3][/b][hr] [color=c6c6c6]Lyric is fond of slipping around unseen, following people around the grounds of the carnival. She deeply enjoys standing close behind them, before raising her glass violin and beginning to play a haunting melody. At first people will not realize where the sound comes from, then after several moments they will notice her. If they attempt to walk away, as is the normal reaction (she has noticed that her music seems to… entrance people, make them slower and more distracted.) she will seemingly vanish, but her music will linger, seeming to follow them. Periodically they will notice the young violinist, never so close to them – periodically they will catch her standing in the middle of the grounds, moonlight glinting off of her violin, or peering around a tent watching them, but the music always follows them, always growing slowly louder. So long as they only walk, not run, she is content to follow them. But the moment their terror overpowers her music’s calming effect and they break into a run, that’s when she acts. She carries thin knives with her, somewhat reminiscent of throwing stars, and can whip them at a target with frightening accuracy, especially for a blind girl. She does not ever kill people, but she will graze them with the blades, and then she again pursues them with the violin’s melody.[/color][/i] [i][hr][b][h3][sup][sub][color=dedede]Biography[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][/b][hr][color=c6c6c6]Lydia Richards was, in her prior life, a child prodigy. By the age of eight the girl spoke seven languages fluently and was proficient at piano, violin, cello, and harp. By the time she was eleven she would be asked to solo with the world’s top orchestras, and was a competent orchestrator whose works were played all across the globe. She became famous, and with her fame also became an advocate. She donated much of her music’s royalties to such organizations as the WHO and Doctors Without Borders, and often spoke on the subjects of peace and kindness – perhaps naïve goals, but she spoke softly, and reasonably, and people listened. But her fame was short-lived as Lydia, then thirteen, was kidnapped while walking home from school. For months, no one heard a whisper, nor found a trace of the girl’s body. Then a video surfaced on the internet, illustrating in gory detail what was believed to be the mutilated corpse of Lydia Richards. Her eyes were gouged out, her tongue excised, various other mutilations done to her body, her blood sprinkled across the snowy forest floor. The police were crawling all over the county, searching for the girl and her murderers, but not a trace has been found to this day.[/color][/i][/center][/hider]