Changed my mind. Have a Rider. [hider=The Ace of Aces] [list] [*]Name: Major Erich Hartmann [*]Class: Rider [*]Appearance: [img][/img] [*]Abilities:[list] [*]Strength: C [*]Endurance: A [*]Agility: A [*]Mana: C [*]Luck: B [*]Noble Phantasm: B [*]Magic Resistance: C [*]Riding: A+ [*]Battle Continuation: B [*]Bravery: B [*]Disengage: C [*]Concealment: C[/list] [*]Noble Phantasm: The Ace of Aces: Erich Hartmann, the greatest fighter ace in the history of air combat. Hartmanns Noble Phantasm usually takes the form of his personal aircraft, the BF-109 Karaya One. As infamous as he was, this aircraft was iconic as he was, striking fear into the hearts of his Soviet Opponents as this pilot scored kills up until the final hours of the war. It's powerful armaments hold terriffic destructive potential along with the potential for collateral damage. [*]Personality: Hartmann was an intellectual fighter, practicing the ethos, 'Fly with your head, not with your muscles'. Despite his great accomplishments, Erich was more proud of the fact that he had never lost a wingman in combat. He was ambitious and headstrong but not overly proud. Hartmann also has a sentimental streak. Hartmann was posessed of an iron strong will that resisted the coercion of his soviet captors after the war as he remained loyal to his homeland. [*]Other: N/A [/list] [/hider]