[quote=@xCRAZYxFACEx] Well... shit. I checked the wikia for info on the Mages Guild, and that one said the guild was disbanded during or following the Great War, which is what I based my info off of. But I just checked the uesp wiki, and that one does say that they were disbanded after the Oblivion Crisis. I dunno. I'll go with whichever version you prefer. [/quote] In the r/teslore subreddit, when you get away from the weirdos who say "LOL DWEMER ARE ACTUALLY THE ORSIMER NOW" and "AKAVIR IS THE FUTURE AND TAMRIEL IS THE PAST" you'll find that the two sources of lore they use primarily are the UESP and the Imperial Library. Many people find those two to have information on a lot of things that the TES wiki does a bad job of presenting.